
Nice try to delete your post right after you put it up - tough shit, I saw it, and we can all see your picture. You’re basically what the military would call a “fat body.” The fact that you even have a Twitter is a knock against you in terms of intelligence, but you call yourself “pretty good with words.” No, you’re

Judging by this response, I’m going to guess you misunderstood my initial post which was meant to mock people who think having an opinion should only be a precursor to trying to change policy, which led to me misunderstanding your reply.

I didn’t actually know she did stand up, I couldn’t tell if she ever did based on her performance on the show, but admittedly the enthusiasm she has doing some of the song skits on the show, I always got the feeling she had a big part of writing it.

My bad, but sometimes you have to spell shit out for the rest of the commentariat. I got your point, and it really applies to the entire cast short of Michael Che, who can actually do a stand up set...And maybe Cecily Strong because she can actually act and is funny.

I think you’re going to be more disappointed when you realize that opinions are perfectly worth expressing regardless of influencing a policy change. Do you not understand how people work? Not everyone in the world cares about changing the world with every opinion. Sometimes they’re just content to say “I disagree

I’m still convinced Lil Nas X just learned to love dicks for fame. I mean, he checks all the right boxes for the current climate - Black, Gay, Willing to Do Anything.

The only thing Colin Jost cares about his paycheck, and rightly so, because he doesn’t have any other opportunities if he leaves the show.

Do you write this way because you’re trying to appear intelligent?

I’m pretty sure Lorne Michaels has the right idea on not giving a fuck about blogs like the AV Club, because 95% of the country doesn’t give a fuck. This is basically the AV Club whining about the massive backlash to wokeness that is only just beginning. “HOW DARE YOU BOOK THIS PERSON THAT DISAGREES WITH US?! WE WILL

Strange, because NBC had to pay tens of millions to get Lorne Michaels back because the show had bottomed out the fucking ratings. It’s kinda like he’s the special sauce!

Let me know when a sole engineer or assembly line worker manages to create something of that scale.

I mean, technically his talent is amassing wealth, just like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Henry Ford, et al. But expecting the AV Club to look any further in to it, such as the method used to amass such wealth, is kind of a hopeless endeavor.

It’s almost like people don’t want to listen to you blather on about irrelevant garbage when talking about video games..

People of all nations and credos should rise up against this kind of atrocity.

I’m not sure how calling Floyd a “criminal” is wrong. The guy was literally, by definition, a criminal.

Are you implying Floyd’s cousin is gay? Or that all black people are related?

The only thing stupid and debunked is everything you’re trying to get across. “ERMAGHERD, BUT I FOUND ONE YOUNG LATINO WHO USED LATINX BECAUSE IT GETS HIM PAID AND HE CAN’T GET ANY OTHER JOBS!”

“Alyx was just tanned, not black!”

Latino people don’t use the term “Latinx.” They think it’s fucking retarded...Because it is.

Kotaku is the apex of woke stupidity. Their tagline might as well be, “We’re so anti-racist, we’re SUPER RACIST! NO MORE STRAIGHT WHITE PEOPLE EVER!”