Do you realize how dumb you sound saying that?
Do you realize how dumb you sound saying that?
There’s not actually anything morally correct about it at all. In fact, it’s morally incorrect to demand someone make their product fit your narrative.
Is your dumb ass literally suggesting that a company should forego their reason for existing (profit) simply to make you feel better about yourself?
Their argument is essentially “Well, regardless of the fact that you fixed the discrimination problem, the only reasonable response we can think up is to bring back the discrimination the other way. Because we’re simple minded.”
A history of black people whose ancestors weren’t even in the country during slavery, bitching about slavery.
Maybe it’s because you can’t, like, distribute relief via discrimination without any evidence under the law? Herp de derp? You guys are fucking morons.
I’ve got one for you.
Trump dropped the illegal immigration rate to historic lows, where less detention facilities were necessary, while Biden has had to reopen previously closed ones and set up tent cities under overpasses so...Yeah, Trump = success, Biden = Disaster, by all metrics.
Spelling is racist, or something.
Who has time for actual history when you’re busy practicing revisionist history to fit the narrative?
Within the past decade? Well, arguing against voter ID is a pretty obvious intent to commit voter fraud. I mean, when your argument is “BLACK PEOPLE HAVE A HARD TIME GETTING IDS” but all the black people say “What are you talking about? We all have ID..” it’s not hard to divine that you don’t want voter ID because you…
You people idolize Ibram X. Kendi, who has never in his life had an intelligent thought.
Lol “White supremacy.” You know what white supremacy is? Everything pitched by the critical race theory progressives that can’t even form a coherent thought on their own. When you drop the bar to the lowest possible standard in the name of “equity,” because you claim black people can’t succeed where the bar is at now,…
Here’s a better question...Who gives a shit if Ty Cobb was racist? His job was to play baseball, it’s not like he was running around lynching all the black people he met.
In other news, The Root is angry about jokes made at their expense.
I don’t know, why does Maxine Waters go to a state she doesn’t represent and encourage people to be “more confrontational” when they’re already rioting and looting?
..No, the joke is that Kamala Harris fucks her superiors for career advancement. Hence the name, “Heels Up Harris.”
Moral of the story: Black kids need to work on their trigger discipline.
Surprisingly, white children are also less likely to be carrying illegal firearms..
Daunte Wright attempted to flee the scene like a dumbass because he didn’t want to get 20 years in prison. If you’re only 20 years old and you’re already facing that long in prison time, then you done fucked up already. It was all downhill from there anyway.