
@daytripper1: but the iPhone 4 is better. I can't imagine lugging a heavy iPad around everywhere I go and advertising to the world what a dork I am for doing so and for paying for yet another monthly data plan to access the very same Internet. Everywhere I've seen an iPad in public—from coffee shops, to meetings, to

"Imagine if the iPhone 4 launched before the iPad?"

@valkilmerisawful: 60 mph corresponds to 88 ft/sec, so 367 mph is 538 ft/sec and a 13,000 ft runway would be traversed in <25 seconds at full speed over the entire distance.

Google is looking to learn a lesson the hard way.

Weisal is an apt maiden name.

Now there's a product that should be named “iPad”.

What's so cute about a little girl in a kimono and a walking fire hydrant?

@mike_le: A car stereo needn't be difficult or error-prone to use and—considering the hazards of distracted driving—they shouldn't be made difficult, but that's precisely what Blaupunkt stereos were.

@DingoJunior: I didn't know that. Is that why it was renamed, because it runs on other devices besides the iPhone? With the new name, clearly my sister will now know that when an iOS update is available, it's time to update her iPod touch—although I don't know why.

A: Neither park bench nor rollercoaster ride. That's my genome after a long night out.

@cloudnine: I would guess 99.9% of the malware world knew of this exploit 3 days ago.

You couldn't get 1920x1200 monitors for this?

@Arken: Scrolling and other actions are readily available with a Trackpoint using USBOverdrive. Trackpoint advantages are not obviated by any trackpad.

It's not wireless, but it's otherwise a lot more convenient and less expensive than Apple's Magic Trackpad:

To be green, this device needs to be powered by farts, converting the powerful greenhouse gas methane into less harmful CO2 and water.

Of course they will.

@GC: 3.0 was available to iPhone users through the normal mechanism for free as it always has been for iPhones. The 3.0 update was available to iPod touch users for free by downloading the update and installing it "manually"—still a heavenly piece of cake compared to updating to Froyo—and all hardware features work,

But remember: Android OS is open. Open to whatever the hardware manufacturers want. If they want you to buy a new handset in order to upgrade, well, that's what you'll have to do. If they want you to pay an upgrade fee, well, that's what you'll have to do. Android's being open means that you, too, are open. Open to