
@Bill Clinton: What were you and Monica doing with the phone?

Just look at the New York Times being played like a violin!

I suffer from the antenna problem (still, after thinking it was fixed with a sliver of tape), but it is not as bad an annoyance as the iMac's hockey puck mouse. Almost, but not quite.

@JakeMertz: The rough statistics suggest half of problem phones are fixed. That makes it well worth trying and reporting more widely. It's also questionable whether the other half didn't apply a proper fix — just reseating the SIM without tape. Could also maybe be an internal short that doesn't involve the SIM, which

Hmm... even the entrance door judders.

@Gizmodo: Aside from a petition to give out free bumpers, you should host a separate petition for Apple to restore field test mode to iOS4. Field Test Mode was eliminated in iOS 4. Even though they should, I doubt Apple will reinstate FTM in 4.1, since it will let everyone see conclusively and quantitatively for themselves what the signal strength is at any time, with and without death grip.

Looks to me like most/all of the death grip problems are due to slightly mis-cut SIM cards shipping in some units, that short out via the metal SIM holder to the bluetooth/wifi antenna.

@bigtimes: Why would video chats cost any more than audio-only? Users are the ones paying for the bandwidth.

@bigtimes: Why would video chats cost any more than audio-only?

"Pulling Skype support suddenly violates Skype license agreement,"

@x40sw0n: I see it as the practical way in which IP laws affect commerce and society. It's well known and established system by now, except most people don't have to deal with it and consequently don't have a clue as to how it works. Do we label the system perverted because of their ignorance? No, because by and

@JohnnyricoMC: That "slightly radioactive substance" is tritium, which is regulated by the NRC in the U.S. and would add a lot to the cost.

@x40sw0n: "Perverted and abused by every corporation currently in business"? How do you back up that extreme, sweeping statement? Are you referring to the intentional infringement some corporations sometimes engage in, in order to initiate negotiations for the rights?

@frigg: There's just one little [i]caveat[/i] in that Anandtech report:

@frigg: Sadly, Anandtech determined the iPhone 4 suffers dramatically worse signal attenuation when held, as compared to the 3Gs and Nexus One. My own experience is consistent with that. Basically, you need to maintain the iPhone 4 in a case, in order to avoid undue risk of losing a decent signal.

Wow, traced by a GPS satellite, eh? I think you mean GPS satellite receiver.