
I don’t even see what’s the big deal tbh. As long as people are respectful during the national anthem, I don’t care if they sit, stand, or kneel.

then what’s the right business to be in if you want to pay off your debts?

Ouch. I guess it’s tough to come to the realization that you are replaceable. In fact, almost everyone is one day going to be replaceable except for the service industry in which human to human interaction is still valued.



“You can own something and not have the rights to decompile everything.”

I’m willing to wait years to by games at 50-80% off.

I’m having a hard time understanding how pirates can defend piracy? There are rare cases in which I can sorta side with the pirates ex: region based restrictions or charging for stuff that come with ads. But other than that, I’d like to hear your arguments.

Like the guy said, you can’t fight piracy by doing illegal stuff yourself. If your neighbor comes and steals your mail, you can’t go and smash his mailbox.

Amber Heard’s hot so can’t blame him.

Nice marketing pitch but not really that amazing since Cheetah can go 0-60 in under 3 secs as well.

+100. Exactly my thought.

Cuz prisoners need a good life too.

LOL and Ellen Degeneres is Racist too!

Animals are so shallow but us humans get shamed if we are shallow...

I don’t get it so you go faster twerking like a mermaid than going above the surface and flapping your arms?

I heard the girl was real but seriously, people need to learn to communicate and not play games.

this is cool. i’ve thought about lights like this or behind couches as decor

this is cool. i’ve thought about lights like this or behind couches as decor

If people stop supporting it, no more money for IOC.

Yes or at least reduced to maybe 20 events