Now playing

This looks like powerwalking to me? I don’t see the point of some sports like this lol...

Olympics are pointless I wish they’d get rid of it or at least half the size of the event to only a few main sports. Get rid of random stuff like archery, shooting, trampoline jumping, power walking, and stick with the basics that people actually care about like track/field, some gymnastics, and some weight lifting.

“You don’t need a perfectly flat tummy or washboard abs to...look good.”

I’ve been to one because this girl I was seeing wanted to go to one. I don’t know what’s so strange about it? She follows a few Youtubers that sing covers of songs and one of them was in an area performing so we went to see the artist. Basically felt like going to see some indy neighborhood band.

Why are you scared? Anyone can be a celebrity now and live their dreams as opposed to the few ‘chosen’ ones.


lol i’m a guy and learned not to do that at the age of 23 but still it’s like does that make me a sociopath? cuz now i don’t do it just because i value said relationship and i know it hurts other people but not because it’s a empathetic thing.

People that are stunningly gorgeous like you said but don’t date an equally so partner probably have some deep issues as well and case in point, it’s no surprise now he’s a crackhead and a bum. IMO it’s a self-esteem issue. The world sees you as such - gorgeous, but you see yourself as something else.

yep. finally someone who talks with logic not feelings. policeman may be wrong, but the correct venue to prove him wrong is in court, not on the streets.

So you can’t just starve yourself to death in this game?

I don’t think millennials are the culprit. Baby boomers are generally the grouchy assholes.

Typical from Jezebel.

So is Holder ok with these pictures of her being used on the internet? What happened to protecting the victim? Oh right, it doesn’t matter when there’s an agenda.

LOL! It’s time to throw in the towel Nintendo and realize that you guys aren’t competitive in the living room entertainment industry anymore and should focus on mobile gaming and software.

Broken sunglasses, broken xboxs, broken controllers, seems more like an issue with user error and carelessness. I’ve taken great care of everything I’ve bought and yes, I’ve had a couple red ring of deaths but my Xbone, sunglasses, 7 year old lap top, 4 year old smart phone, etc... all work fine today. If I had saved

Why can’t we just have a day in which everyone has to wear cameras? Police have to do it, I think it’s time for us regular folk to do it too.

I’ve never argued that he did the right thing as a lawyer or someone with common sense. I’m just saying he inadvertently shed more light on the case - more than he probably should have. Which does justice a favor.

But Kane’s history of partying and perhaps not being a social model will factor into the jury’s decision. Happens all the time in which someone’s previous behavior is brought into the court room.

Exactly. Revealing the mother was lying inadvertently gives us a better picture of the people involved.

He could also not have investigated. Which is my point that him investigating turned out to be the right thing to do. It does mention that he did his own investigation and what he found did not match what the mother was saying.