Gizmodo Group Manager #3

This article is an excellent example of a well thought out straw man argument.

The people opposed to this want cases delayed as long as possible. When cases finally do come back around the argument will be these people have been living here for x amount of time and it wouldn’t be nice to deport them.

Dude, if she really spent time in jail for lying about a previous assault, the writers at Deadspin fucked up. They missed an incredibly important detail, and they didn’t do their fucking jobs, simple as that. And it’s exacerbated by the fact that their fuckup was happening while they were railing on the Lions and Pats

“Let’s set aside the fact that calling anyone an “animal”—even someone in a gang—is a noxious, loaded thing to do.”

Uh, you do know that then and even more so now, all the guns theses citizens are so determined to have thanks to the only Amendment they give a shit about, will never ever prevent the government from being able to take them out with one push of a button.

I know. It’s also amazing that they’re all so eager to accept Hamas’ word that all the “victims” were unarmed. Since Hamas has since admitted that the vast majority of those that were killed were its members, I sincerely doubt they were all unarmed.

I live in downtown Seattle and walk over, walk around, get screamed at by homeless people countless times every day. Seattle City Clowncil has (mis)-spent millions and millions and millions of $$$ on homeless and NOT helped the problem ONE BIT! Maria— you don’t have all the info!!!

See? Communism really is inefficient.

The hashtag is hilarious. Blaming cishet Black men for the communities’ ills is not a radical idea they pulled from paranoia it literally is the only valued conversation in town for certain feminist queer leaning pockets of the internet. I don’t believe unification is possible unless everyone is willing to lay out

just a bunch of whining from Coasters who refuse to acknowledge that they share a country with the citizens in the middle).

Jesus Christ, this is not “racist”. The first line of his response, which you conveniently did not bold, states very clearly he does not think illegal immigrants are bad people. He actually repeats this sentiment again a couple sentences later, and you obviously left it unbolded the second time as well.

That is a pretty frightening thought process.

Yeah but why not though? Whats more American than demanding special treatment because of some minor fact about your life?

“Fuck you Nazi punk.”

paying journalists to do journalism

woke af

Did he expect something different? Maybe a car service to take him to a private jet that would fly him in luxury back to El Salvador?

OK...So the cops showed up to arrest him and he refused to come out of his house. What, exactly, are they supposed to do? Go home? Give up?

“Shit guys, he’s in the house, I guess we’re done.”

It’s always bad. But you can’t break out sexism as the cause of any opposition to a Democratic woman candidate or appointee and not have it cut both ways. It lays bare the silliness of the claim in the first place.

A lot of it is also cultural. Black folks tend not to negotiate as hard. Same with women. This is why when these studies are done there are often disparities. It isn’t necessarily discrimination.