Gizmodo Group Manager #3

really impressed upon him that it’s a serious crime here with consequences. (Besides the obvious. He’s not an idiot. He gets that, but when you are raised in a culture that doesn’t view it seriously that’s something you have to learn.



LASD has determined that the attack on Rodriguez “is not a hate-related incident,” the department wrote in a statement.

you think she ever worked a manual labor job in her life?

One wonders where she sees her role in the future Communist State, surely a provincial bureaucrat of some sort. 

*cough* HAMNO *cough*

yeah gosh., how could a former FDJ propagandist be called such vulgar pejoratives.

Then how did the Klan mask laws past constitutional muster?

text book Stockholm syndrome, there is no *real* choice in the matter.

Every left and center-left policy that could conceivably be enacted in the coming decades is on the chopping block

absolutely SEETHING

actually childless adults are a burden on the state. 

this is a proposal 100x times more Fascist than anything Trump has every formulated. Lmao, service means citizenship!

huh, is that where the “right side of history” platitude comes from?

Nice article Pareene, a very well done “Fuck you” to your asshole owner. Now if you were to explore the dynamics at play wherein such brutal right wing Jews who protect Israel at all costs simultaneously push for left wing radical politics in the US, that which are totally anathema to policies and theories pushed in

I cannot believe you got this fucking goblin to shower you with pleasantries for that comment.

How shallow / self-important can these people possibly be?

One thing that all of these missives on why abolishing ICE is fundamentally bad politics have in common is that they’re based on nothing but gut instincts. Right now, we have no idea what people think about the idea, because as the Washington Post noted on Friday, there has been no extensive polling done on ICE

I’m just stunned you tried to make that argument. Carry on.

No borders in ths discussion’s context is an expression of anti-fascism.