Gizmodo Group Manager #3

What Marx advocated and what Marxism is doesn’t mean one is the same as the other.

Marx advocated for the dissolution of all borders, nationalities, and classes. Marx was the founder of Communism, Communism advocates for the dissolution of borders.

Why are you hung up on economic theories? Surely you are aware that Marxism is also a Political theory as well. You seem to be very hung up that im

I’m talking about ANTIFA as an organization, an organization that is historically and currently been a communist front organization filled with societal and financial rejects.

If you want to split hairs and talk about Anti-Fascism as an amorphous term then yea sure. You don’t have to be a communist to be Anti-Fascist,

How is ANTIFA not a communist front organization asks moron.

You stroke out yet?

The paths are aligned, not the philosophies.. Sort of like how both you and me want the fire department to show up when our homes are burning.

This is a true, very capitalist thing.

Who are you apologizing to? Me? I’m very much ecstatic that people such as yourselves have finally let the mask slip. That you have nothing but contempt for the people who live in this country. It allows us normals to show our friends and families that yes you hate this country and everything it has ever done and your

No cages. No walls. All borders must fall

A real winning issue for the dozens of Marxists in this country. 

what about our famous Wise Latina 

weird how every Progressive achievement was made through Judicial Fiat.

And yet all I hear is bitching about muh democracy, 

German Unions are good, but lets be fucking real. That’s not the only reason. Germany, using the EU, is able to leverage the weaker economies of southern europe so as to keep the euro low. This allows Germany to have an export based economy even though it would never be able to have such an export based economy

what about the irony that the limo was owner operated by a Muslim immigrant?

Canada as a construct is a European invention. Denying that, is de-legitimatizing your own country.

What a dumb asshole

or just continue to import your new voter base. After all, that’s the only reason why Democrats care about the immigration issue.

No, Splinter is what happens when you have avowed Marxists as writers.

These people are cancer. Deal with them. 

What is with the leftist obsession with sexualizing kids. What’s next, the old virtuous pedophile post?

Fucking gross.

“if we say the president is racist than all of his constitutional powers are void”

Sweet “argument

ah yes another white country that you believe you have a human right to access.


the fundamental contradiction of “Diversity Policies” (excuse me for using a Marxist terms), is that it eventually destroys diversity as noted by your comment (we’ll all be brown, de-raccinated people in the future anyways, huzzah!)

How does that not register?