Gizmodo Group Manager #3

Heh those Chinese have some pretty good idea, I must say Hamno!

Why are you assuming only mestizos voted for trump?

Mestizo, plural mestizos, feminine mestiza, any person of mixed blood. In Central and South America it denotes a person of combined Indian and European extraction. In some countries—e.g., Ecuador—it has acquired social and cultural connotations; a pure-blooded Indian who has adopted European dress and customs is

I just answered your question. Because you answered a prior question with Hispanic, but OK, let me drill down for you here.

Why do Mestizos deserve a special place in hell for voting for Trump?

You do know why I’m writing Hispanics, because that’s what you originally responded too. You certainly seem to have an idea as to what I’m referring to based on your prior correspondence

Why do Hispanics deserve a “special” place in hell for voting for Trump?

Why? Because you consider them race traitors your Mestizo tribe?

Now playing

I’m the roughest toughest kitty in the land, my name is mr. Pants. I’m the kitty cat man.

I will eagerly be waiting on the follow up to this story

lol <3

I’m calling her a Marxist, because that’s what she is. I’m sure Richard Spencer doesn’t like getting called a Nazi, but if he adopts National Socialist ideas than what is the logic to not call him by where is ideas originated?

She’s a Marxist, not sure why people are taking issue with this elementary observation.

Well, I just turned around for the first time in 9 hours and now notice how fucking dark it is.

tfw when no umbrella

She’s associated with a Trotskyist party, an offshoot of classical Marxism, so I’ll call her what she is.

A Marxist. Why do you deny the label?

My bad you’re right. She’s a member of the Socialist Alternative Party of America. Which is a Trotskyist Political party.

Well there is no equivalent of a Palestinian AIPAC, so the reason is obvious as to why

The Klan

Pick two.

You know...his posts have gotten a little more, ahem, robotic as of late

Straight from the horses mouth.