Gizmodo Group Manager #3

Jorge Ramos is a constant reminder of the White Elites of Mexico dumping their problems on Americans. Never let this man convince you he is of Native descent, he’s just an anachronism of the past, the elite Spanish Castizo class.

Fuck him and his sob stories.

.We don’t think of people like you as comrades

you mean the guy who never worked a day in his life?

Now playing

Nothing really exemplifies the growing disconnect between the Marxist Left and the working class than this...

huh that’s weird, because I sure do remember Bernie voting for Brennan no problem for CIA director when he was the number 4 at the CIA during this time while Haspel was only mid-level.

What changed for Bernie?

these people are under the infantile impression that “the universe bends toward my arbitrary understanding of ‘justice’” or some such shit.

And of course, because the holocaust happened, they deserved to take a land that belonged to about a million Palestinians for over a thousand years


What’s good for the goose....

why do people have this infantile idea that direct democracy at all governmental levels is the highest most best most fairestlevel of government?

I mean, you know the Greeks who came up with the fucking concept itself shit all over it right? Pure Democracies are inherently unstable, we learned about this what 2200


Italians are the master race silly = )

they are and they aren’t. One big Kosher sandwich our politics are based on.

yeah bro, New York is totally just a community. And not at all a deracinated low trust hellscape.

What a joke.


fucking eye roll.

Wait...Our “citizen militia American patriot blah, blah, blah groups” aren’t going to act on this one?

Oh it couldn’t have been exported? that’s weird because it was being being exported for over 2 years.

Can you refute that statement - that massive government spending during a depression would help revive the economy while not causing significant inflation?

JORGE RAMOS, HOST, AL PUNTO: You have challenged Senator Ted Cruz to six debates, two of them in Spanish. Senator Cruz, with a touch of humor, has said that it would be very boring because he doesn’t speak Spanish very well. But if you won’t be able to debate with Senator Cruz, my question is: Do you believe that


Stare into the abyss long enough and you eventually become Louise Mensch