Gizmodo Group Manager #3

yeah but he went all in on a preemptive, broken windows fallacy economic policy.

It was really bizarre.

I’m way to lazy to dive into the archives, but god knows theres a few names in there sharing stories and commenting from that ridiculous blog.

“we”, “us” not “Obama” and “Kerry”

funny, I don’t remember Congress ever ratifying this deal you speak of

(Christian, Muslim, Jewish, pick one)

There FTFY

When was the last time anyone accused some one else of being Anti-Christian or Christianphobic with a straight face?

what about the one where he thought an alien invasion would have positive affects on our GDP?

Whatever happens, I hope it hurts.

You guys are all trash human beings.

whats funny is that April 2018 shattered the revenue records for the Federal Government.

There is truth to the Laffer curve, but it’s to simple to rely on its own.

required those developments receiving federal funds to submit plans to “overcome historic patterns of segregation, promote fair housing choice, and foster inclusive communities that are free from discrimination.”

Anyone else remember many of the “respected” commentators sharing Louise Mensch’s takes immediately after the election? Like that stupid fucking blog that was being peddled That was fun, and embarrassing for the woke set.

Oh man, the toughest guy on the Kinja networks, or some Manager for a failing media company. Who yah got?!


lmao how quick the tribe turns on a potential blasphemer. How quick the community is to level the label “race traitor” will never cease to amaze me, ya’ll are right. Free thought is for White people.

whoa guys, here come the ultra patriotic internationalist leftists to tell us who’s a traitor and who’s not!

Get bent blowhard.

pure projection of the inherent sado-masochism of the supposed “woke” left.

Yes I like to dehumanize my political enemies as well

if you want to compare white on black murders vs the opposite no ones stopping you. But then again there’s a reason why nobody like to talk about the fact that more black people kill more white people than white people + cops kill black people on an annual basis.

unfortunately, citing the current year is not an argument.

Whoa! Got a Voldermort quip as well? I can’t really formulate an opinion on US politics until I have a pop culture reference to rely on.