Gizmodo Group Manager #3

LMAO, did you get demoted to solely cover the fucking View?

Wew, do I feel a lot better about my career. Hopefully you’re not on the chopping block. you’re our favorite foil Isha = )

Maybe Mexicans shouldn’t continue to worship at the altar of Democracy. Verboten I know, but your hypothetical fears wont bring back a 104k people murdered by some of the most notorious purveyors of death on this planet.

Start clutching your pearls when the dirty work is finished.


oldy but a goody

When the people doing the research are one monolithic group, a multitude of experiences and world-views are left out. Clues are missed, and theories go unchallenged.

What makes you think an Open Borders policy is even viable? Let alone beneficial?

do you even Will to Power bro

who cares what some Mutt has to say.

What’s old is new again.


SK’s Foreign Minister disagrees with you

Lets not throw stones

in NYC they are funded equally.

funding is equivalent in NYC.

ah yes, those famous last words.

Aye comrade, have to break a few eggs to make....

don’t worry bud, there’s no shortage of talking heads willing and enabled to shit on duh evil white male.

Youll be fine.

good rebuttal champ

so by that logic, Brendan is a Communist sympathizer, no?

Way to compare your political ideology to a religion, but then again why should I be surprised? Marx’s Historical Materialism was always pseudo scientific dogma disguised epistemological reasoning.