Gizmodo Group Manager #3

The owners were very obviously either fabricating I9 forms, or did not have them. Furthermore they’re about to get fucked because they weren’t paying payroll taxes.

I sincerely doubt a small fine and a slap on the wrist will happen.

Who knew Hitler was so woke on intersectionality and affirmative action.

they’re located in the ethnic studies department. Almost every school has em.

Are we pretending that the boycott of Laura Ingraham was just because of her childish insults of a teenager she disagreed with politically, and not her entire rotten body of work leading up to the latest terrible evidence of her vile nature?

The argument is that in today’s world, organizing boycotts is much easier then it was say in the 60's. Furthermore Boycotts are an extraordinary remedy to solve offenses. And in 2018 they were destined to be overused. The remedy is no longer proportional to the misdeed.

Sixty years ago a boycott ended racist

Potato Crockett?

are you an American?

Scientists Find Bundle of Fucking Cells on Mars, No Determination of Life Says NASA

a headline you would never read, if living cells were found on another planet.

I mean if your stance is that a fetus is the same as any other property ownership, and that ownership grants the designation of what is a potential human life and what is just a mass of cells. Then we disagree at a fundamental level here, and that’s fine. It just doesn’t make intuitive sense to me.

I mean I never claimed I did know, I just responded to your original comment. As it looked like you were responding to the claim that the Simpson’s was originally lauded as progressive, not just the Apu character.

No. They wouldn’t. The headlines would read it while scientists rolled their eyes.

to number 1 - the scientific community would in all likelihood say that they found “life” on Mars if they were to find a group of congealed cells as you so eloquently dehumanize a human being.

number 2: this is just Schrodinger’s Cat formed into a different fact set. The human fetus is either a “potential life” or

Lauded as something progressive and inoffensive to whom? To other white people?

and if NASA were to find a “congealed mass of cells” on say Mars, then what would you say about its discovery?

Or what are your thoughts on if someone murders a pregnant woman? Double murder or nah?


There is money in wars, and there is also distraction and something is telling me that as proof of Russian collusion is closing in, what better way to prove that you aren’t in bed with country than to go to war with one of their allies

Gulags are pretty passe at this point

I think they were stating that Apu’s depiction was lauded as something progressive and inoffensive has now been deemed politically incorrect. Not the Simpson’s generally.

Yeah he’s pointing the common criticism of stand point theory. One which brushes away essentialism while relying on it at the same time.

I always wonder, for the people that bring up this (valid) stat, How many them fall on the wrong side of that bell curve, because it seems like people who say it think they are well above the curve.