Gizmodo Group Manager #3

stay fragile.

wow the Klan? get a new bogeyman, the 60's are long gone. Christ, beating a dead horse doesn’t come close to the laziness of forever engaging in the spectre of the KKK.


Until a scared Muslim that looks at all the alt right media that casts them as a evil doer and takes matters into their own hand? Or a white man who feels like the liberals needs to be stopped and uses his Ford to hit people?

won’t somebody think of the hhhwwwhhhooorreeesss?!?!?!?

One wonders who’s paying their bills?

stop repeating claptrap from 60's

yeah man, Latin American socialism. THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT!

Some people really want to believe that Genetics have zero determination on our IQ. Hot off the presses from MIT.

just a coincidence im sure

The great one allowed it in the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.

Actually what I was implying was that the majority of stories on Gawker/Gizmodo about mass shootings are about white men because the majority of mass shootings are committed by white men

that’s a cute chicken tho

Not a false equivalency, but I take your point.

Implying that they were the most violent. Now that I broke contradictory facts to equation I guess you’ll just refuse to engage it.

Standard procedure really.

I did say White people, we all know men are innately more violent than women. So ok, whose more violent? White men who have made up anywhere between 40% to 35% of the population (going back 35 years) to have been involved in 75% of mass shootings or 6% of black men being responsible for 50% of murders going back

More than 70% of the victims in the last 35 years were at the hands of white men. But wait, what’s your point again?

Keep in mind the reason that Clinton didn’t get charged with anything was because the FBI couldn’t prove that she knew she wasn’t supposed to use a private server.

yeah and Lincoln shut down newspapers at the run up of the Civil War as well.