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How does Fair-Use apply to music within a video game? If the music is incidental to the gameplay and the streamer isn’t explicitly attempting to analyze or comment on the choice of music at that moment, I don’t see how fair-use would apply.

If people played games instead of watching people play games... problem solved reprobates!

But you watching another play a video game instead of playing it yourself is taking away from the experience just as much if not more.

Or you know, pay the artists.

Just to be devil’s advocate here. How is a streamer who makes money off his videos, which include copyrighted music from an artist who largely will not benefit financially from the streamer’s use and revenue, using said music fairly?

I used to comment regularly on Jezebel for years (under a different name) and stopped because of the feeling the author describes when someone she assumed would be an ally made her feel unwelcome.

Loathing your own work is a pretty important part of the creative process in my experience.

Yes! Battle Fever J, I love those costumes!

Hope you’re ready for Jacob’s Ladder. Definitely one of the best movies on your list.

Fucking Nicki. The more I hear about her, the more I like her.

Good for her. There's no reason for her to take that shit.

It’s like I’m supposed to feel bad for liking the prequels (there are parts I dislike, but overall I enjoyed)...because I grew up with the OT, I’m supposed to have a hate on for the prequels...but I don’t.

Right-on, man! It would have been quite a challenge to create new movies that drew upon EU material in a meaningful way for the super-fans while still being accessible to casual / new fans. I’m glad they chose to just wipe the slate clean.

The work isn’t being erased, you can still go read it. As it is it’s never been high canon to begin with, the movies are above everything.

The Koog Aproogs!

Also Ones don’t get a rhyme because they’re garbage.

That was better than any of the MeowMeowBeenz jokes I came up with.

Came for this comment; wasn’t disappointed. Would nod in pleased recognition again. 5/10.

I’d give this app two MeowMeowBeenz

I agree the original is one of the best!