
Not to mention that most people can guess who Thor, Iron Man and Captain America are so they really don't need a voice over. Even if they've never seen a single frame of the titular character.

Guardians is......unique. One hell of a gamble marvel, but it looks like it will pay off.

I was mainly addressing this to the people who are just coming out in the comments saying "Yeah its a clone, look at it!!" without doing any research and such.

The only thing that could be considered copied in the suit in my non-legal opinion would be the flow of the game turns. However, this may fall under the

It is pretty clear most people reporting or commenting on this haven't played hex.

Yes there are many gameplay similarities to Magic and other TCGs, this is to be expected.
What is unique however is that you can customize your cards with gems and it really makes the game experience change significantly.

Yeah the MLP card game is just going to get better with the refinements in gameplay as it continues. A bit of a rocky start, but now that the second set is releasing shortly it should really come into its own.

In the states it isn't quite so easy. Unless you live in a highly populated area, you are limited to traveling a significant to find any good rummage sales or flea markets, most of which are picked over within the first hour of opening by people that are just reselling for ebay profit.

I am reasonably sure I spent more than 8 hours playing triple triad before doing pretty much anything else in the game, only progressing when I discovered there were more cards to be found further into the story.

Very well written.

I read your response three times before knowing how to respond. I am not even sure this is the best way. Every way I wanted to respond felt awkward since you hit the nail so perfectly on the head, and just goes to further why this discourse is needed.

So I will leave it at that.

Someday we will be

In actuality it is a game called not The Gilbert Gottfried Love Simulator, but Monster Monpiece, a game coming to the USA for the vita.…
In actuality being a trading card game on the vita, it legitimately looks like a lot of very weird and borderline creepy fun.

Don't you mean BIZARRO Organize? sorry, saw the sealab tag.

Now playing

Found footage of the Gottfried dating sim. Day 1 purchase:

Now playing

Found footage of the Gottfried dating sim. Day 1 purchase:

Wait....PCGamer is a thing still? I used to wait with bated breath for the newest issue with demos and that sweet ass frontend of PC gamer offices with tons of easter eggs to click on.
Also Coconut Monkey.

If it allows it to happen, Russia considers it to be propaganda. Or if it looks like it could. Or if it looks kinda "gay" somehow...or sounds that way to someone in charge.

You said gobble a dick. That made me giggle. Thank you.

Oh dear god. this is a thing of nightmares.

Except nearly every single draft pick that had their girlfriend/wives with them, kissed and embraced them when picked, and it was this is pretty normal.

Yeah that whole cake thing is REALLY nasty. "Lets shove food all over each other and make a mess of the place while people coo and giggle" I don't really want to know why that is a thing.

Of course if food is your fetish, rock on. Just not my style, but I won't begrudge someone of it.

You may be surprised how early they do understand. Think about how early it was when you started having "those feelings" for a member of the opposite gender. Think about how awkward it was. I hope you had someone that could guide you through those scary times as a kid.
Keep in mind there are kids that are even more

There is a lot more to sexuality than where you put your genitals. All of those things you listed are activities people do for sexual gratification, might want to do some research in the future when you troll for more believability.

I'm waiting for people to see the "IRREFUTABLE PROOF" that Half-Life 3 was announced via this trailer.