
I’m a working camera operator and photographer. Here’s the thing: the picture you posted of the Red, that’s just the body. It isn’t very ergonomic. To use it in any capacity at all, you have to add a minimum of a lens, viewfinder and mag, and none of that makes it any more ergonomic. To use it effectively in its

Feasibility is not anybody’s problem but the company’s and really has no place in the critique of this service. Everybody is driving around with a tankful of highly toxic, explosive material. “Stopping for gas is a pain in the ass” should be the company slogan. Ordering anything online is a risk, this company is like

The scary thing is that some people get their news and mindset from such garbage. This is why humanity is so freaking backward - people are stupid.

I think there’s a market segment you’re not considering: people who like PC gaming, but are not hardcore PC gamers anymore. I like having the capability to do some desktop-style PC gaming or 3D modeling from time to time, but most of my PC usage these days is a small display (12”) laptop on the couch.

Guy freely agrees to pay a premium on a crazy night and somehow that’s reason to “stop uber.” Did gawker invest in an uber competitor or are you guys just to following the liberal war plans on uber.

I would like, just ONCE, for a Tesla pilot to, how shall I put it - “engage” me (Audi S8) on the open highways and byways of the Chicago metro area in the same “sporting” fashion M3/4/5 and AMG pilots are (readily) willing to instead of simply puttering along, clogging the passing lane or otherwise behaving like

Only 2-4k people need this treatment annually, it’s not like a huge fucking cash cow. If your insurance will not cover Daraprim, they have resources available and no one is denied access to treatment. You could go to their website or call 1-800-222-4991 and learn all about it. That probably hasn’t been mentioned in

Yeah, I get the feeling that a lot of Gawker, etc. articles are written by young people living in New York or San Fransisco or wherever that don’t realize not everyone lives (or wants to live) the way they do.

It’s even more idiotic than you think: She dismisses building out a proper electrical grid as too difficult or dirty but advocates wholesale construction of new public transportation systems, national rail systems, altering entire city plans nation-wide, moving entire communities into cities, etc. The freakish cost of

Which isn’t a ban at all, it’s a restriction.

Or....she doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about. I think you said it, she’s hurling buzzwords at a problem.

1) You’re talking about pennies worth of parts made of easily available materials that are already part of routine maintenance in other pressure systems.

What?... Oh, oh, “just rebuild it”? Oh, real fucking original. And who’s going to give me a loan, jackhole, you?... You got an ATM on that torso Lite-Brite? Now get your seven-foot-two asthmatic ass back here, or I’m going to tell everyone what a whiny bitch you were about Padama-may or Panda Bear or whatever the


Photo of the finished product.

How about we...

A big problem with the people these days is the outrage culture. Here’s a cheat sheet for them:

So you’re saying that we should allow tens of millions of people to die before acting decisively? Brilliant fucking plan.

sounds like a bunch of entitled little rich kids who never worked retail before in their lives, yeah no shit, you’re judged by your performance. they want you to sell memberships? you can’t sell enough? you clearly are not a good salesman

If your life depends on government largesse be prepared to live and die at their whim.