
There is a fine line between social pressure and straight up bullying. In this case I think social pressure is warranted but I’m not a fan of “social media lynch mobs” going after people with half facts.

I like playing devils advocate. Especially on a site that is clearly one-sided. It’s important to voice dissension even if the odds are against you.

Really? Let me guess...fine watches are also a waste of money, and your favorite $10 bottle of wine tastes the same as all the expensive bottles you’ve tried. Your statement is extremely ignorant, and if you do your research you’ll find that $450 is an entry price point when you’re talking about fine folding knives.

As an African American, I concur with your thoughts about changing Bond for the sake of diversity, and the cultural appropriation irony. Bond is described very specifically in the novels. To make him black (or gay, or Asian, or whatever) to stifle a miniscule amount of whiners is actually MORE insulting than him being

Can we seriously give it up already? He’s not doing anything wrong, and it’s not tech related. I realize Gawker has an agenda to push, but this is getting out of hand.

Again, Wes Siler reminds us how much of a pipsqueak nerd he is. Thanks for loudly pointing out something so insignificant. We adults don’t know what we’d do without you!

Yup. That’s simply dangerous, careless and foolish! Kinda like setting up a personal email server that isn’t protected by any firewall or encryption and loading it with classified government emails. You have no idea when that can backfire on you! LOL!

I’m so tired of this stupid drivel. I don’t care for U2, but the whole outcry from people who are knee-jerking and treating this like Apple took a shit in your tea is just pathetic.

your example partly confuses me on your question. but i’ll try to respond to the question instead. i’ve never owned a gun, but my dad, grandfather, and uncles all own guns, and for a long time since i was a kid, have gone to the gun range at least once a year.

Apparently you don’t understand what “quid pro quo” means.

That’s horseshit. The lines were put there for a reason. It was determined, likely by someone with a Traffic Engineering degree to be an unsafe place to pass. It’s not just about endangering yourself on a bike, or exposing yourself to a ticket. Maybe there is a rise, or a curve that would cause a car in the opposing

I can’t say that they deserved to die, but I’m glad that they are the only ones that died as a result of their actions.

The things that I’ve done in my life have come nowhere close to being as reckless and stupid as these guys were in two minutes. At no point in my life have I done something that has endangered others or myself to this degree. As a person, I’m boring as fuck, I don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t do drugs. I follow the

If you can’t do your daily commute and side trips well within the range of the EV you chose, then you’re doing it wrong.

I’ve had ambulances full of baddies open up on me. I’ve had baddies in mosques shoot at me. You have no clue what you’re talking about and look the part as president of the window lickers association more so with every post. Keep it up, I’ll be glad when everyone just instantly writes you off. Something you’re

You have no fucking clue how any of this works. The chain of custody and responsibility for weapons release is completely on the shoulders of the ANA, not the aircraft. Attacking platforms very rarely build their own target picture. The situation on the ground changes on a daily basis. One day some building is a

The Violence Policy Center, the authors of the study in that HuffPo article, is a gun control advocacy organization. It is not a legitimate, neutral source of information on firearm violence any more than an NRA study published by Fox News would be. As for my trope, I don’t believe inanimate objects have moral intent,

As a very outspoken concealed-carry advocate who is 99% sure this article will have an argument about guns in the comments, let me just be the first to say I completely agree that running away is the right thing to do. I don’t carry a gun in my home state, because apparently single women living alone who’ve been