
@Fuji-kun: Welcome to the new Giz, my friend.

@Silence04: I think it means the actual code for the OS will be running on the SSD, but the stuff you download, like apps, will be on a regular size hard drive.

@Boding: Glad to know I'm not the only one.

@Caturday Yet?: It's probably on some sort of track, and the photographer moves it very slightly every few shots.

"Despite the restaurant staff insisting that no charges be pressed because they felt bad for Taylor, the man was charged with attempted robbery and interfering with an officer."

@LoganR: Pssh. Fact checking is a thing of the past, man! Try to keep up.

@Caturday Yet?: It generally means they put more effort into the article if they edit the picture like that, so these articles tend to get more hits.

@taniquetil: I believe with near certainty that what you are saying is false. "Effect" can only be used as a verb when it means "to bring about," (e.g. "he effected change"). When the verb is used to mean "it will have an effect on," the correct verb is "affect." In this context, "affect" was used to mean having an

@Valkyrie607 of the lady-ghetto: I have always been taught that if the subject is singular (which is true in this case: "the cyclist" ) and the gender is unknown, it is grammatically incorrect to use the word "their" for possession; it must instead be "his or her."

@taniquetil: "endangered their life." (Should be "his or her").

@Channan: "(though the flash effect doesn't work over YouTube)."

@schunniky: I have no doubt that your spelling was better than his. All I'm saying is that his inability to spell simply doesn't matter in the modern world. He'll still know how to spell common words from seeing red lines so much if he doesn't already know them, but for the tougher one's, a computer will fix it for

I disagree with this article's tone, because the reality is that spelling simply isn't going to be an important skill anywhere in the near future. It barely is now given the proliferation of spell check. Kids won't need to know how to spell long, complicated words ever, so why grade them on their ability to do that? I

@bdinger: I disagree; I think that 95% of tasks the average computer user needs to do can be done on Chrome OS, and for these 95% of tasks, Chrome OS a traditional computer. You know why: synced instantly across the cloud, less power consumption and thus longer battery life, faster boot time, etc. The extra oomph of

@alexbropa: Why does he have to still be immunosuppressed if his own body is now creating HIV - immune cells?

Question: they've been seizing the domains of these torrenting sites. If you knew the IP address of the torrenting sites in question before the domain was seized, can't you still visit the IP address directly from the U.S. and access the site?

I wear gel inserts every day and not once have I been pulled over in the airport for having them.