"the problem is that developers period are unwilling to work outside of their insanely small comfort zone."
"the problem is that developers period are unwilling to work outside of their insanely small comfort zone."
I simply do not accept the argument that creative license is beholden to inclusivity. Let the artist create that which he wishes to create, the end.
I agree and disagree with you. First of all, you're right. No one's own race and gender should prohibit them from making characters of other races, genders, or sexual orientations. If it does, that speaks to an underlying prejudice, which no one should have (but we obviously do, since we aren't perfect).
Could have been worse. I was once on vacation in Hawaii and a magician teleported me to Oklahoma.
More FPS games should do that "visor"-thing Metroid Prime had. I love those bits when the visor gets call "clouded up" (for lack of better word) from the fumes, drops of water glide over it and best yet, I get to see Samus's reflection when something flashes up on screen. Wish Halo would have gone that way, I saw that…
Why can't rap be like this these days? So much better.
It's hilarious. Even when he doesn't have a publisher with their boot up his rear, even when he has unlimited creative freedom, and even when he has monetary support from thousands of his fans, he still can't deliver on his promises.
When global warming/solar flares/nuclear bombs/Twitter shade wars decimate the planet and the hardscrabble remnants of humanity develop a chewing gum-based economy, you'll be glad you read Kinja Deals. Just use your riches to build a shrine to us, or something. [ 5,400 Pieces of Dubble Bubble, $34]
When global warming/solar flares/nuclear bombs/Twitter shade wars decimate the planet and the hardscrabble remnants of humanity develop a chewing gum-based economy, you'll be glad you read Kinja Deals. Just use your riches to build a shrine to us, or something. [ 5,400 Pieces of Dubble Bubble, $34]
They did, they just overpriced their shit far too much in comparison to Best Buy or even Walmart... maybe it was because they used american manufacturers... everybody knows if you want you business to succeed today, you, sadly, have to go bark up the Chinese sweat shops for cheap enough products that will allow you to…
Unless you've lived in Cuba or North Korea, you haven't ever lived in a country that even pretends to call itself Socialist. European countries are socially democratic Capitalist, nothing more and nothing less. They all have free markets, private property, banking and so on.
Agreed, but that's the danger of nationalism/patriotism mixed with inherent forces of propaganda. These people aren't really capable of critical thinking because they've clouded their minds with pseudo-religious views of their homeland and regime.
Marx was focused on class consciousness as the most important factor in…
It's true! For the vast majority, living in the US is a comparatively horrible experience, and they largely don't even know it because they are ignorant to superior conditions elsewhere.
For all the money the US has, it distributes incredibly little of it. It's a plutocracy, without any doubt.
Agreed. Having lived in multiple socialist countries, I find living in the U.S. very strange. In a couple of countries that I have lived, University was free to attend (other than paying for food and sometimes housing). The idea is that if people are provided the opportunity at a higher education, they are more…
You praised the IKEA Galant for its simplicity, expandability, and abundance of surface area, as well as the adjustable legs. The 10-year limited warranty doesn't hurt either. We're linking to the model linked to in the nominations, but there are many other options. [IKEA]