
Its more like state law, and probably most if not all states. You can trespass anyone from your property, and they are a private business. If they don’t want you on their property, and you are on their property, you can be “trespassed”.  Its a warning, and has no legal impact unless they return.

They are a private business and can refuse service to anyone, you support that right? Or do you want racists to have twitter accounts, because that is what either allow businesses to refuse people for any reason (assuming its not race, creed, religion, etc.) or you don’t let anyone be refused for any

Yes, no doubt they were respectful and provided receipts when they were asked by the Kroger staff, or was it only to the police? Did they refuse to provide them to the Kroger staff? By the way, what was the race of the staff involved? That is usually touted out at the beginning, white employee stops innocent black


“an administration hell-bent on doing the worst possible thing at all times”, Well he did call on Jim Acosta from I guess that is a good example. He failed to force a prosecution of Hillary, or suspend Posse Comitatus at the border and deal with the invading illegals, and he is trying to ban

I don’t think you can compare AltaVista (and wow I never used it, I preferred Yahoo) to today. But true, things change, Edge/Explorer are now officially going to die. But I don’t recall (not that I was alive) Standard Oil refusing service to anyone. And in this case its speech, which is pretty important in the US. And

Again, its my opinion. And here is the great point about my opinion, as it becomes others opinions maybe we can have some regulation or lawsuits....because that is what this causes. When companies that are monopolies (or close to it) have apparent double standards or actual double standards, legislation gets created.

If its the “single most triggered responses I’ve ever read”, you need to read more. Long winded, maybe, self-important...that is where you confuse you with me....its not about me, its about the idea of censorship in the age of information. Bitter whining? I am not on Patreon, nor have I applied, nor do I really care

You are not providing anything I don’t know. Platforms like this can but shouldn’t get into banning people for previous associations, that they have renounced. Provide a service or don’t. If you do, be consistent and complete. There are still people on their service that are as bad or worse. And I suggest that online

“Milo solicited advice from...” I really want to see what about... Have to think its not great, but if they continue to allow BAM and Antifa....its not about hate speech or hate groups. Or hating someone we hate is okay, but hating someone we like is not...

How long have people been saying crap without the least review of the facts? Started getting a little OCD about then, especially on the comments here. I don’t care about this guy or Patreon, never gave a dime to either. But I at least try to find a fact or two before I would write an article, applaud an article that

When Milo did talk about it, and didn’t outright renounce it, he was talking from his experience as a young person. I may not agree, but that isn’t the same. Mohamad doesn’t seem to get much of a hit for screwing a 9 year old, but then again tough to spot a picture of him.....

See and there you don’t even question the bullshit of the comment, only have fun with it. Okay, you just like troll on or put your head on your don’t seem to have a brain made for deep thought.

No, I get it.  Its much easier to just say “he’s a racist” “reading hurts my brain”.  Its okay, you to can go put your head on your desk.

Hey, alt-right gets thrown around like its free speech....I think BAM and Antifa are alt-left. They don’t support what the majority of left leaning adults do...such as anti-violence.  So new term, I think alt-right is a joke.

I am sorry I triggered you...feel free to get under your desk and duck and cover.  That will protect you!

I don’t get that, but point is that “links” that are simply they have been in the same room are not very strong. Doing Karaoke seems a little week of a link to me as well.  I guess that is your point as well? 

I am not white knighting anyone, nor am I a kid. I do have a problem with Patreon not allowing him while still allowing Antifa...which is an organization that has suggested what to bring to events as weapons to get past the police. The BBC stated “Their willingness to use violence marks out Antifa from many other

Yes simple logic is fun to watch.

Care to expand on ‘his own words’? I know you are one of the ignorant, one who doesn’t know what Milo actually said, didn’t want to “justify his existence by listening”, you are just joining the mob with your own eco friendly LED tiki torch to ‘bash the bad man’. But really, when the adults are talking, you should