
See, this is why most of the left are idiots. They don’t even keep the story straight. Is it hate groups or violent groups? They said both. Karaoke with Ricard Spencer is your go to for his White Supremacist Bona Fides? Yes, you are not making a joke but becoming one.

Not like The Root ever got anything just slightly right...oops, I mean wrong, right? know what I mean. I am sure they got statements from everyone involved, you know journalism.

At least you take time to do research and really bring out a thoughtful argument.

He was abused, so higher likelihood he will abuse...just saying maybe you think about the odds. Plus as big as he is...someone will get the wrong vibe and then (bam) someone says they were in fear for their life. Find someone with no charisma, doesn’t do any drugs (alcohol included), preferably a quadriplegic that

New Title “Accused Rapist Neil deGrasse Tyson now receiving cover from Fox, Cosmos producers who now look to cover up his sexual assaults.”

I am with you. And now I will practice my Australian... so ‘Good on ya Cunt!’

Okay, to be clear, you are suggesting the CIA couldn’t get it wrong? So you now agree Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction, like the CIA reported?

Easy solve, “he who smelt it, dealt it” and “he who declared it blared it”

Well, that and Boston University’s College of Arts and Sciences.

I don’t know, she seems like the dizzy friend your sister or daughter (depending on age) brings over that never gets double entendres or so naive she has to ask if outlandish things are true. “Trump is going to deport all the Muslims”...”Really, is that true, that is awful. I think I know one.” kind of thing.  To bad

I definably think the founding fathers were wise to make 35 the youngest you can be to be POTUS.  Some of the stuff she says now is pushed off as cute and she is young....  She keeps this up for another 5-6 years in office and hopefully people will see this as crazy...stupid crazy.

Too bad SquidEainDough wasn’t right, Ms. AO-C is a member of DSA and Bernie has been part of the government for a while and self-identifies as a Democratic Socialist. So yes, she is a socialist and NO there have and are socialists in our government. Not to mention, there has to be someone in the U.S. Government that

She is a “member of the Democratic Socialists of America”! Bernie Sanders has identified as a democratic socialist as well. So while she hasn’t been part of the government yet, he has.... He is a socialist, she is a socialist, THEY ARE SOCIALISTS. Being a Democratic Socialist is a specific type of socialist, like

Wait, you left out black. “These racist black mall cops”. Now they didn’t deal with any white people at the time, so its going a little far do say “they don’t think white people” (Anything really). So I think the illogical is in your assumptions of the people involved. I say that because of your prior comment AND anyon

Well, glad to see you are thinking part of the time and assuming the other.

Well I don’t think we have the full story, nor do I think we will get it here. Did they wear them the first time covering their faces, that may be a reason to say leave. What was said when they were first confronted? Why did they come back that night?

And this one becomes the one they close....helps who?

And if they go out of business, who will it hurt most?

To be clear, the black persons didn’t steal anything, they paid “white ones” to do it and ran the business....that makes the racists look bad, that white people stole and the black people ran the thievery gang?

You like hoodies that much?