
and now a global nuclear exchange is all but unthinkable.

Seriously.. Who needs a 400ft walk in closet, less a 5800sqft house? I need a life of excess, one-upping, and braggetry.

I have really short legs so my head hits the roof of the Vette. I have plenty of legroom. Think the dad from The Incredibles.

That’s the way Formula 1 engines should sound.

Yes, it makes us jump to attention when Western cities are attacked by Muslim extremists. There is violence going on in within the Muslim world every day for 40+ years, actually forever. So that doesn’t quite make the news that Paris attacks on civilians does.

And why are Turkey and others not wiping out ISIS on their

The difference between 150 and 200 decibels is like the difference between listening to a normal conversation three feet away (60 decibels) and listening to a power saw three feet away (110 decibels).

Indeed. 200db, the acoustic energy at the base of a Saturn V rocket isn't even existentially noise, as noise is simply our perception of pressure changes, and you would never perceive that as noise. Instead it is metaphorically one long constant explosion and it's associated shock waves. You wouldn't really get to

I'm being a total pedant. I'm also being a childish asshole and holding a grudge. I was rather rudely dismissed when I raised the (rather interesting, and in the original context, relevant) point that LJK Setright had questioned whether Bizzarrini had indeed designed Lambo's V12. I need to let it go, but fuck if it