
This is a “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia” episode right here.

We’ve outgrown Cinema / Movies ages ago. Why do we still seek their recognition in any shape of form ?

Is there another website you could suggest ? I too am very disapointed in what Kotaku has been offering lately.

That might be THE worst article I ever read on Kotaku. Well done.

Gimme conspiracy filled Stix back !

The 1st season of the Sonic Boom show has some “Simpsons Season 4-8" level jokes, people need to give it a try. It is uneven, but it legit has some of the funniest moments I’ve seen in a show.

It also doesn’t mention how the 1st game bankrupt the company, how the CEO at the time left in disgrace, the many dark stories floating around him (hookers and stuff...) and how he stole from people at said company + how they shadily retrieved the game’s assets. If any reporter would like to dig a little... 

Sir you deserve a star and a mushroom and a lightening strike and a Blue Shell!