Bikini Killed

These ghostbusters truthers are idiots. I love all these actresses and cannot wait to see this movie, I think It’ll be awesome, but this pic is.... Unfortunate.

The level of competition Serena faces is far higher level than Rousey does. That’s no insult to Rousey. It’s just that women’s tennis is much older and much more advanced than women’s MMA right now.

I don’t get the “most dominant (female) athlete in history” narrative that people spew about Rousey. She is great! She’s a totally impressive athlete who currently dominates in her specific field! But we’re still talking about somebody with only 11 fights to her name. Putting her on the same level as an athlete like

Not breastfeeding is the bomb. Guess what, you are free! Free to go anywhere you please and all you gotta do is take a bottle with some dry formula in it. I was breastfeeding at first but they just weren’t making enough and it turned out to be such a relief! It meant my husband and I could share the feeding

I had a baby just about 3 weeks ago, and am finally starting to feel 100% like myself again! Hooray for an unexpected c section recovery that wound up being totally manageable. Hooray for also throwing in the towel on breastfeeding when the baby wasn’t gaining weight. Everyone is MUCH happier. Props to you ladies who

My pediatrician was located in Elizabeth, NJ and he knew Judy Blume. Nothing in my childhood ever impressed me as much as that.

I was probably like 8-10 when I read it for the first time. It’s possible that my parents taught me about periods before I read that book and I just wasn’t paying attention/forgot about it. But my first memories of learning about periods are Are You There God? and that one Harriet The Spy sequel.

Mom NEVER got around to it. Praise Judy.

Judy Blume: replacing people’s moms since 1970.

Yeah, it doesn’t help the cause of dealing with gun violence if you’re going to completely misrepresent the facts about who is inordinately affected.

A thousand times yes. Domestic violence plus guns equals a literal war on women.

No dispute that violence against women is an under-considered aspect of the larger conversation on guns, but the notion that women are the primary victims of gun homicide is the exact opposite of what’s true:

She is so right. Guns in America are a women’s rights issue. I don’t know why we let men get away with turning our country into a real life kill-or-be-killed video game.

Sarcasm is not your strong suit, is it?

This is nonsense, all my conservative friends have informed me that when a woman gets an abortion it is done with a carefree disregard as if she was deciding what to have for breakfast. Why would they lie?

Your strawman is showing.

Why? She's written excellent YA books. Of course, if you're of the opinion that what you read has to be pigeon-holed, then there's very little hope for you.

They experimented with each other before they discovered boys. At a certain point Vix decides she's strictly dickly and Caitlin is kinda irked but then eventually gets with Bru's cousin Von. Caitlin then goes to travel the world and remains sexually fluid then comes back to the Vineyard, bangs Bru, marries him, has

Believe it or not, but there may be several billion people on this planet who neither know nor much care what Scarlett Johansson looks like.