
Then what do you prepose I call my latest purchase? I still haven't thought of a name, and I haven't spent more than a few hours with it in total.

Considering it's basically an even better version of the best car in the world, I feel like it's about as good as you can get.

they're finding the problem is they buy 8 wieners at a time but the bun part of the mobile only comes in packs of 6 or 12.

Now, I admit that there are a few flaws to the Land Cruiser. For instance: yeah, OK, so maybe it can be rather expensive to fuel. And yeah, OK, maybe it can be a little pricey to insure. And yeah, OK, maybe it's not a good idea to give your kid a vessel for transporting six other screaming teenagers who believe "my

Or tripping balls.

Now playing

Yesterday morning, in Exeter, NH, this happened. Somehow. No one was hurt, and no one really understands just how this Chevy Spark managed to crash so it ended up doing a nose-stand in the snow. Was a giant playing mumbleypeg with it? Did the owner train it to do yoga? Can it do other tricks?

Better yet what happened to these?

What? You sound like an over-sensitive white person. Nobody made mention of race, or insinuated he can't manage money because he's black (??)

Whoever took this picture has one flip flop on and a walking cast.

Go ahead.... try and unsee it..

This sounds like a job for......

You know what I say when someone tells me about a car they're looking to buy, lease, whatever?

Negatory - side trim says this appears to be a Biscayne. Source: once owned a '59 Impala. Plus, user name.

I heard the Lotec doesn't have a lot of electronics...

I never knew that...

Look at it from the car salesman's point of view (like mine).

God forbid somebody be indifferent to the P1 and putting the Gulf livery on everything.

Oh, you stupid, stupid, horny kids. Just pull over. We're not going to come out against driving or fucking or anything like that, but come on, all of these things are worthwhile enough endeavors to command you full attention. If you want or need to drive, then drive. If you want to fuck, pull over. How hard is that?