
Some people like big spoilers, some people like misplaced apostrophes and capitalization errors.

Jalopnik Group buy?

Fucking stupid/awesome/stupid/awesome amounts of horsepower and the freedom to convert tires and liquid dinosaurs into smoke and noise

Yeah but the weapon will be one of their airbags

"Honey, this is going to make a kick-ass replacement for our xD. I'm totally stoked."

Just you wait.

That's on the consumer. A 500 score tells me he doesn't make the greatest financial decisions. Sounds like the laydown of the century, the dealer presented a full pop pencil and he said yes. How can you blame the dealer for asking for all the money? What, we're some kind of charity now, like I don't have the right to

Reminds me of Wall-E

well if it's a Subaru you'd probably want to start by peeling off the Coexist and Obama Hope bumper stickers

Haha yes and 98.4 percent of those are service loaners and dealer demos.

In the same way that the i8 has a 911 coming out of its ass, I feel like this has an unidentified economy car slowly rising out of the top.

And don't forget, somewhere they found a crate full of seventies Fiat reliability and welded that in too.

This Fiat 500 with a V12 out of a Lamborghini Murciélago.

Does it every touch the ground, or just float along?

Why do people keep shitting on every one of these articles. This site doesn't exist to help you find the perfect little beige econobox. It's about the love of cars, especially the awesome, crazy, and rare ones. If you don't like them, don't click on them.

2014 is The year of the sensationalist. I don't care if a light bulb burns out earlier than advertised. It is egregious, current lightbulb policy HAS to be reformed, and at least 3 people need to be fired, regardless of involvement or responsibility, as long as they are high profile and I can orgasm to their downfall.

When I was in undergrad I assisted one of my psych profs in a study sponsored by the NIH which looked at what kids drank with lunch and how it affected what they consumed and how much they consumed. We gave them chocolate milk sweetened with sugar on some days, chocolate milk sweetened with aspartame on others and