
A 500 Abarth would probably fit the bill too for a good flip, since they’re a cheap throwaway car but also fun, it could be similar to the SRT-4 where originals are worth good money since they’re all modified or beat to shit.

Two cars stick out to me that have a pretty well-defined floor but will only go up because of how analog they are and easily totaled: Lotus Elise and 1st gen Viper.

Unfortunately, VW has proven itself to act like they know better than the consumer many times in the past few years, so there’s no chance. Given what they did with the GTI (took away the manual the same model year they put physical buttons back, so you can’t have both), if they put a gas engine in they’d also take off

They’re for rich former hippies in CA who aren’t off the drugs enough to realize that they’re paying $70k for an interior no better than a $30k Taos. For that kind of money you could convert a real, old VW bus to EV or just buy a gas one and a real car.

It could definitely be the weight or torque differential causing uneven tire wear front to back too. I’ve heard BMWs are pickier than basically every other brand on tread depth difference between tires because it’ll rip through the transfer case.

Man, the rear end on those is atrocious though. I used to think it was the ugliest BMW but they’ve really upped their game on the ugliness lately with the 4-series/M3, XM, and iX.

$7,000 is insane. I had my 335's transfer case replaced at a specialized indy for $3,800 a few years back. I know inflation but it’s gotta be a similar system if it’s the same engine.

I had two:

On the last one, I’ve pretty much stopped making specific recommendations too, but I’ll tell people not to buy something 100%. If someone asks me what to buy, I might give them a segment to look at or at least 3 options to look at in a segment (so then it’s truly their decision still). Now if someone asks for a

There’s two reasons all the larger engines are only a sport option now.

That’s probably not just the total value of the 5 Infinitis. Probably other property damage involved in the calculation or the total of all cars damaged/destroyed, not just the 5 that were mentioned found burned.

Anything from Hyundai or Kia.

What papers to test drive? Most dealerships will just scan your license and hand you the keys.

Came here to say this, even the normal ones. Yeah it’s a completely normal car in the way that it’s a competitor to a 3-series and has normal mechanics and is actually reliable, but from the public view it’s definitely not a normal car. I’m not one for attention but I get looks all the time and comments at gas

For this question, being boring itself isn’t enough. Most cars that are boring get hated by people for many reasons like just being awful, which makes it worth attention. The true most boring car ever made is not only so boring and bland it can’t attract hate, but it attracts boring people to it as well because “facts

100% NP. These were RARE. They sold a relative ton of the CCs but when I worked at a VW dealership in college they got 2 VR6 for a whole year. It’s a great engine and a DSG, even though it means you gotta do the every 40k service on them it’s a wonderful combo and a pretty fun platform. With low miles this is really a

The Dart is one of the best cases of good cars ruined by its owners. This is an Alfa platform, with a variant of the Abarth engine, and an available manual. It should have been the enthusiast choice, but sadly every Dart on the road is beat to shit by subprime buyers that can’t be bothered. I test drove a manual when

This sounds about right, I’m surprised they didn’t put the most valuable cars on the lifts though. We did this kind of thing all the time when hailstorms were coming through. Couldn’t get everything put away and we didn’t pack the showroom but we’d fill up our detail shop, secondary service area, and delivery area

I always think this is a terrible argument against a car. No, if you buy a 2024 Ram 1500 Classic it’s not old. It’s brand new. It’s not like the ones new on the lot were built in 2008 and have been sitting rusting away ever since.

This car is another reason I agree with Clarkson. It’s just the same but more. Looks so much like all the other McLarens even though I might be able to pick out which one is faster out of a lineup or which one is newer I definitely couldn’t tell which one it is out in the wild. The speed is becoming more irrelevant