
I’d take a professionally done interior that’s not to my taste over the tacky shit some Corvette owners do to theirs...

Oh man, I want an original Viper so bad. Kudos to them for sticking with the 3-spokes since that’s the only way to go. I also actually like the interior with the gloss finish, makes it look brand new.

They only thing they really had right all along was that people only wanted AWD. Just like GM rested on their laurels for way too long that Toyota and Honda stepped in as sales leaders, Toyota and Honda did the same thing for too long with their sedans in not offering AWD. Even though Subaru is bland, cheap, and now

Pretty sure the first Ecoboosts from 15-17 had the 6-speed for the auto option. That may have been what I drove, it definitely felt like it needed more gears but it could have also been upshifting for fuel economy.

Their sales are so good because they’re actually good. White Claw and Truly were only really good when there was no other competitors. Press and Topo Chico’s are good too, but Topo Chico is pricey too and Press’ different flavors mean a lot of people aren’t as willing to try them.

I drove one of these that was for sale on our lot once. I was interested to see how quick it really was since it’s got slightly more power and a good amount more torque than my BMW. I drove it in full auto, both normal and sport modes, and it just felt slow. Maybe it didn’t have the 10-speed at the time, but it was

I heard something about Doug having a pretty extensive suspension overhaul on the car. Not sure if the wishbones were replaced but I’m sure if there was damage in there he would know about it. He’s also a pretty cautious guy as far as insurance goes based on videos he’s made in the past so I’m sure he had his ducks in

He wants his first enthusiast car? He already had one!

I think it’s tied between the 6-pack of cheap Trader Joes soda cans that exploded in my front seat and near-disaster with the Costco giant salami package that slid through the trunk passthrough on my Corvette and unknowingly was wedged way down between the seatback and back wall from early Oct to mid-July. All the

Most cars don’t have liners like that it’s just soft touch plastic, these seem to be glued on like a headliner. Couple that with heat cycles from being out in the sun and the fact that it’s a high-touch area (arm rest and opening/closing the doors) means it’s prone to wear if it’s not the most wear-proof design.

Why wouldn’t they touch it? All you really need is tools, a lift, and maybe a computer system from FCA to release the electronic parking brake (which most places should have).

Yeah my wife’s Macan all four corners with pretty beefy rotors was about $1,300 parts & labor at our preferred indy which included sensors too. It’s more expensive than a Corolla with rear drums and tiny front discs but you’re not saving anything by forgoing the Ghibli for something that’s presumably more reliable,

Yes, but only if your restaurant is solidly booked every day.

Nowhere in my comment did I imply all interstates should have up to a 100 mph limit. I specifically stated the ones like in the SW US that are connecting large swaths of nothing, with extra wide well-kept lanes. They’re not used for commuting to your middle-management job or to the salon, but for long-distance

I understood that differently. Isn’t the restriction of movement they’re claiming would happen restricting the ability to leave your 15 minute city by car? It’s not about “if I can walk there I should be able to drive,” but more the argument that “if I don’t like the pub/store/job in town I want to be able to drive to

They’re not hard to sell, even now people are buying these cars like crazy having no idea about the issues. I also question why she didn’t do anything to prevent it, the theft happened on Dec 30 and the “fix” has been around for a while. But also, I didn’t see that she bought it in 2022, this was an issue for a while e

It all depends on the road. I had no problem driving 100 mph in SW US where the roads were in great condition, people practiced good lane discipline and all driving a minimum 85 in the 75, and the opposite lane was far enough away that nobody at any speed was making it over to us if they went off. I was also in a

I’d be curious to see this done on a varying range of vehicles of that age from different classes. A lot of cars aren’t given crash ratings due to sales volume and other limitations, but all we know is the cars that were crash-tested for a rating were good at that specific speed. Are brands that are known for their

Unless you’re in on the joke.

No, this is a decent buy and your alternatives are stupid. Don’t buy this Italian sedan, buy a less reliable Italian sedan with an F1 transmission or a Toyota Coupe, seriously?