But I’m sure it’s easy to have an irrational hatred of the NFL if you never watched it to begin with.
But I’m sure it’s easy to have an irrational hatred of the NFL if you never watched it to begin with.
Isn’t the author shaming black men(continually for weeks) who have chosen not to partake in the boycott? That’s disrespect, no?
Really? Because it’s the best one in the goddamn world.
I don’t respect KD as a man.
i love you for this. it’s gonna make my buffalonian wife so angry when i use it tonight and claim it for my own.
Says the guy with this as his avatar:
Nope, too many books also. I went to the library, it was like a whole building just full of books I’ll never read. What’s even the point?
Sir, this is a Wendy’s drive-thru.
Why do they need more white allies? I was told by a website affiliated with this one that white allies are part of the problem?
It’s interesting that Buffalo’s kicker is so left leaning in his beliefs, considering their most famous kicker is best known for how far right he is.
First off, please don’t patronize me and say that I’m a “casual fan” because I disagree with you [and so does most any NBA analyst, btw]. So Durant is performing better than Curry, and this is proof that Curry is better? You don’t think Durant’s gravity positively impacts Curry? Curry was not impressive in his first…
(in actual actual fact he’s the best on the team)
You know, you can make jokes about it but I’m just steaming mad about the whole situation. No ifs ands or butts about it, someone just needs to sit this woman down and have a talk. No 2 ways about it if you assk me.
And you’re in this thread trying to prove you are a Good White Person. Stop doing that and just do better.
Well, yes, everyone else is always at fault in an accidental death when there is even a hint of opportunity to sue for exorbitant amounts of money.
It’s amazing how much your luck will change if you avoid being in situations where you get charged with stabbing someone to death.
Nah, he’s rich people broke. That’s different than regular person broke. I have $11 to my name until Friday. I am broke. Rich broke means you still get to be rich, you’re just broke on paper.
Just so I’m clear, you’re saying that people who quote/reference MLK’s “I have a dream” speech, but don’t quote/reference another particular speech of his, are white supremacists?
Right after we get one for SC6.