Gitamba Saila-Ngita
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Still one of my favorite fight scenes hands down.

I hope she loses a foot. [re: Paula Deen]

If he is so innocent and if he really thinks he is in the right, then he should face the consequences. People who have really fought against a cruel and unusual status quo did so full well knowing the consequence. In the court of public opinion and in history they have almost always certainly been vindicated.

Edward Snowden makes $200k a year, told us what we already pretty much knew, and fled to Hong Kong and you want us to treat him like he's some sort of saint? Why?

Spielberg's rebooting the XBOX franchise? IS NOTHING SACRED HOLLYWOOD?

This looks like a half decent alternate-history/time travel horror [Yes. This is an actual genre] film

I think this is the internal working of something that the rest of us take for granted when it comes to the benefits of scientific innovation in our lives.

Knowledge is expensive to acquire but for the sake of everyone it shouldn't be hard or expensive to share. Regardless of the end result most scientific research

When you frame it in the argument of, "are we wasting processing power on this thing", I don't think it's a waste. The principle of what Bitcoin is trying to achieve is worth exploring. The way we think of money in the information age or really anything for that matter(space, jobs, education, etc) is changing. We're