
For me Supergirl has an uphill battle to rectify the VERY lackluster pilot. When I watched the “leaked” Flash pilot I was like “Oh, that was good. Not great, but SERIOUS potential.” (and it’s become my fave show on TV)...meanwhile both my wife and I watched the “leaked” Supergirl pilot and were SEVERELY underwhelmed.

Had RTD’s original intention been fullfilled, they would not have been paired together right away (if at all). The S4 finale shows his original intent was that Mickey and Martha would fill out the decimated ranks of Torchwood (this was mentioned in his book)...but Noah Clarke’s career in direction and producing took

How is this show still on? If last season wasn’t a cash-in joke, then I don’t know what is.

Am I the only one who saw those words and thought of the Talking Heads song lyrics?

For me it’s Ten & Eight. That would be something to see/hear.

For those wondering is the BF audios are good. They are WELL worth the money. The Eighth Doctor adventures are excellent (Lucy Miller-era and Dark Eyes-era especially), as is the Big Finhish 50th Anniversary special “The Light at the End”. But yes, you should basically consider these full episdoes of the show, just

I would pay money for a Donna-run UNIT.

Nick Briggs (Dalek, Cybermen, monster voices on actual DW) is the main guy beihnd Big Finish...and his pedigree at production, and choosing GREAT writers to pen the stories is high. I would expect QUALITY from these. The existing audios usually have a ClassicWho/RTD-era feel to them.

This news is phenomenal. Big Finish does amazing work. And it would seem that it’s not far-fetched to believe that Smith, Gillan, and Darvill could return in future for some Audios too.

It IS quite interesting. I’m not sure how to take it myself, but I’m sure we’ll find out.



And the yellow one isn’t Asian. Hey, progress!

She has already met Clara.

I’ve always loved that Jack is basically going to age slowly and become a giant misshapen ugly head in a jar...the vanity of Jack Harkness would see that as a injustice of the highest caliber. LOL

Star Wars: Nien Nunb is actually a bigger part of the mythos than we realized according to new Canon. He not only helps Leia with the misdirect mission that leads the Imperial fleet AWAY from Endor, but he was apparently a smuggler of the Lando and Han caliber (and friends with) before the Civil War asked him to be a