
Their checks never clear: why do you think they keep coming back?

I'd say that Nonso Anozie is also having fun. He's definitely the only other decent actor on the show besides Billy Burke.

They show reruns of Three's Company the other 23 hours.

They mentioned last week why the Evil Queen couldn't undo the sleeping curse. She didn't know how, but told Regina everything that she knew about it.

Given the park lost its budgeting in 2010, and it's the local councils that denied the permits, not sure what it has to do with Trump. Would folks be happier if allocated public funds to fix it up?

Neither does Superman, if you watched this week's Supergirl.

"(the only info we have is a quick flashback at the end where they tell Sheriff Root they’re from the “government,” which, sure)"

When IA and the FBI interrogate Fusco in the season premiere, they said the shooting took place in a camera dead zone.

"I’m just going to assume this is set when Barry doesn’t have his powers."

Mark _Mardon_.

"Sure, he was in Arkham for a bit…"

Or if they had had it played out with Mick. Wouldn't realizing that he had become capable of killing a child and resolving to overcome his programming, have been better than, "Eh, I'll punch my buddy and finally realize I should be a good guy."?

Why "Rachel Turner"? Martin calls her "Dr. Brice."

" Was anyone even frozen or burned in that final fight?"

They did it in those Batman parodies on Youtube, too, with Commissioner Gordon taking off his glasses and a (really stupid) Batman not recognizing him when he did.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm on fairly good terms with some people with
horrible politics, because I obviously find enough other things to
appreciate about them on a more personal level."

"how The Countess became the immortal blood-thirsty creature she is, how she met Frederick March"

"This approach allows the writers to tell thematically resonant stories,
emphasizing the universality of experience, even for those who seem most

It's Faraldo, not Feraldo.

It aired in the UK last week.