☆Giroro G66☆

So is this actually a meme, or did she just make a bunch of unfunny macros?

@Peter Wong: Not to mention the motion of the bus will make the game almost impossible to control.

Waggle control on a handheld. I cannot begin to describe how stupid that will be.

@Piegineer: Too bad the 'gradient' looks terrible.

@American_N_Japan: No, because it impossible for the new Xboxes to RROD; because they do not contain red LEDs.

"A body that sexy needs a cooling solution to match"

So they explained why it has an ugly shape but that doesn't explain why each layer is a different color.

Off-TV shakycam footage of an advertisement? You should be ashamed.

@TheSkudDestroyer: Trust me, you aren't missing much. Most of the Dreamcast games worth playing have better versions on better consoles.

If I were Google, I would Sue Sony Ericson over this because, like most Sony commercials, it is more damaging to the product than helpful. But in this case, the product damaged is Android's image instead of whatever insane thing Sony is doing at the moment.

*opens can of mountain dew*

@TheSolarKnight: Nintendo can't win with their jaded fans, but it's their own fault if they have alienated their fanbase. I mean, I used to be a die-hard Nintendo fan, until E3 2008.

@BeHappy: Not kidding. Epic Yarn was beautiful, but was very, very boring. It failed as a game IMHO. And Yoshi's island, I just don't see any way that would work considering they would try to include a 3D gimmick.

@grooveraider: Unless they just started a new franchise, then there are no fanboys to piss off.

NSMBWii was a severe disappointment. I think I'm going to stay away from this franchise (not Mario, just "new" Mario.)

This pencil looks shopped.

This is way better art than Rob Liefeld is capable of.