Libertarians sure love to regulate the shit out of everything.
Libertarians sure love to regulate the shit out of everything.
Crying now and ok with it.
All the tears.
I’m not crying. You’re the one crying.
Too late about the Trump turnoff also.
a candidate so manifestly unpopular as HRC.
I swear to God, if I hear one more person whine about how Hillary didn’t live up to their “oh-I’m-so-special-and-couldn’t-betray-my-values” standards I am literally going to scream. I am more angry at them than for the people who actually voted for Trump.
Wow... I bet all those “Never Hillary” morons are so glad that their vote didn’t count and Hillary won the election anyway...
California has the 6th largest economy in the world, most states receive funds from the taxes we pay and that’s okay. California is heavily in favor of social services, human rights, personal freedoms, alternative energy. People want to live in a place that aligns with their beliefs. If they are poor artists they are…
Nobody is saying they’re “owed” the privilege of living anywhere. I’d argue the people living in a warehouse “collective” in the city are just as gritty and scrappy as those who pack up and move to BFE.
You are right, you don’t understand.
What scowlybrow said but to add: Also, as an artist—its empowering and important to create within a community. It makes you a better and more prolific artist and gives you a sense of belonging, one that I never got in my rural conservative upbringing. Through my community here, I truly have a family in a sense that is…
No one thought they were risking their life to live here. Sure, the crime in cities is usually higher, but my partner didn’t think she was risking her life to go fucking dance. She didn’t even know what ghostship was, she was meeting a friend who was taking her.
He claims that his horrendously heartless Facebook status about “poverty of self worth” was because he didn’t know that people had died in his scaled-up tinder box. The fact that it didn’t *occur* to him that people might have been hurt makes me pretty sure he’s a sociopath.
A Turk, even.
Is there anyone more oppressed than good looking football players that attend private schools?
Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.
Flag burning, according to Trump.
Depends on how smart the prosecutors are at playing the media.
I’m glad that the law has finally stopped looking the other way with this bullshit.