new burner same old girl who waited

I agree. Without question my children limit me on what choices I can make, and I don’t regret that at all, but I do question who I am really working for. I love huge parts of my career, but when I deal with administration and male colleagues, it almost always ends up with me shouldering more work with less reward. I’m

I wasn’t talking just about my ex, and I’ll straight up say I really don’t know what the hell you are saying here, honestly. This is the attitude I get from my male colleagues and new male supervisor, none of whom can do what I do and get pissed (observably and for years now) that they can’t and WON’T. They would much

Amen, sis. I’m tired of fluffing egos for no good reason. No one fluffs mine. 

I don’t see how these shape the choices of single, working mothers, other than a minor reference in Miller’s piece. What I do know is that I was the breadwinner in my marriage AND I took care of all the home and child needs, exclusively. Though he made much less, we needed his income (or I thought I did - turns out I

Her face tho...

I wonder how he deals with that stress. I know he’s a narcissist, but still, being way over your head must still be traumatic to your system, just the fear it generates alone...

Also, she doesn’t have custody of her children, IIRC. Federline does and always has, and as far as I know, and she has not contested that once either. It appears she has a fairly liberal visitation schedule with them, and I think they are in their early teens, so that hardly seems like a real reason to not fight the

Fuck it, I’m gonna go there: her face looks cruel, and matches her reputation. 

Me too! Was it too obvious though? 

It was very creepy, weirdly intimate and not in the good way. That woman should run away, fast.

It means Brazil is hot. 

I respectfully disagree. Politics is performance. We don’t have to “win” anything with impeachment proceedings, we have to make public through the process just how corrupt and subverted our system is. Trump isn’t going to gain more supporters or rile anyone up more than they are, but he could lose some when a line is

But if they just start impeachment, or tie trump up with defending himself politically, criminally, and in public opinion, that may be enough. He’s not going to get MORE support, but you could erode the support he has while getting out the vote ...

I just wrote the same on another post. See Reacting to the Past, which uses role play to teach student’s about history.

Yeah, if you want to teach empathy, you don’t have the perpetrators keep perpetrating. This was beyond stupid, but even if you use role-playing (which is a good teaching strategy) you normally have the student play the role of those they seek to understand and empathize with (in this case, have a white kid walk the

Is that by David Cullen? 

I believe that was Arnheim’s point, that our country boils politics down to sound bites that lack context or meaning and it becomes the “shitty gotchas” that some use to convince undereducated people of how to think - people who can’t be bothered to listen to an actual speech or read a report themselves.

Since I read at work, and I like reading, I don’t watch the videos. Never have, probably won’t.

I love these posts. It warms me that people like you exist. 

Wingless, I’m sorry you have to deal with this, and understand it as well. My mom died last month after a 3-year battle with cancer. It was awful, but mostly because of the mundanity of it: she was demanding, cranky, proud, and super needy. There were people she would and then would not let her care for her. She