
Microsoft seem really desperate to clap back for Sony’s “how to lend a game on PS4" video, they still haven't gotten over it and badly want to have their own similar moment this gen

I should not have read this before breakfast 

What? Why get rid of it? Put it on another TV.

Yeah but with or without socks? Cause that grime when you go barefoot is no good. I won't lie I have a pair to go on the deck but they're not comfortable, I couldn't go for a walk in them and I have the same pair in the picture. No where near as comfortable as a sneaker.

That was before internet when you would dial direct. You would dial a “BBS” which had files upload/download, news, local message boards. You could download a BBS list which was a list of different BBSes you could dial for a different group of users, different files to download. Some BBSes had multiple users able to

I think I’ll be good, I don’t have a lot of games I intend on continuing on PS5, if any. It’s not like I have a ton of unfinished games I want to suddenly pick up either.

My roast is done but I didn’t time it right to have the mashed potatoes ready. I mean it isn’t like I didn’t have advance notice, it takes 4 hours to cook. I just took my time finding the right song to mash potatoes to. Turns out it’s My Cherie Amour this time.

Maybe we could all be a bit less afraid of COVID19 if we all had a medical unit next to our offices (the best medical team $750 can buy), REGN-COV2, Remdesivir, supplemental oxygen, and dexamethasone on demand...

Thus completing the circle of a Nintendo product in Minecraft, now there is Minecraft in a Nintendo product

Although it was given away on Plus previously so lots of people should have it.

To be fair MS is probably pushing to have Minecraft in everything possible

Luna isn't even out yet and I already have the impression it is going to eat up whatever Alphabet has and then surpass it.

The pilot has obviously been incepted

Me and my friends used to swap disks and also BBSes had lots of full games (even leaked betas!), we ended up getting to play what we wanted. I did buy some games through the mail from Epic Megagames, Apogee, and ID software though. They were $15, it wasn’t too bad, and possible on an allowance.

I still haven’t seen any reports of actual Series X games being played on it. This is mostly stuff we had already heard about.

The same thing was said going from PS3/360 to PS4/One, but the PS4 still went on to break records. It's just how it is!

Nothing wrong with that. Usually you would get what would feel like a complete game. Doom, Wolfenstein, Jazz Jackrabbit, Quake, Commander Keen 1 & 4, Jill of the Jungle, Duke3D, Descent, Rise of the Triad, these were substantial multi level games with bosses and endings. These aren’t like the demos of today where you

All that slashing and his weapon didn't break