a most evil queen

We have all taken shit in stride that we should have protested - or at least stared down. It's so much easier - and safer. Don't feel badly - teach the up and comers to holler until shit gets changed. I weep for the child I was and wish she'd had the ovaries I do now.

This is yet another reason I'm not equipped mentally or emotionally for this job. One day of this would give me flashbacks to a very bad experience...and let's just say I'd have my own BCO of employees who just snapped.

I have worked in service for almost 20 years. Countless harassment episodes later and I finally had enough evidence to sue a place I worked for. EEOC complaint, found a lawyer who took it on a contingency, went to trial in front of a judge. Countless other women came before me and were paid off for their silence. I

my favorite part is that the "now" implies she wasn't then (I'm assuming) and don't tell me if I'm wrong because I want to keep this feeling, I like to think that was the moment you knew

your gf sounds like a fucking baller who is living her best life

I feel you on that (a helluva lot of us do)— but it's imperative to give your younger self a break! <3 She was doing what she did so that you could get by, live with yourself, & go on working. And she wasn't equipped to deal with that horror any other way than by just keeping quiet, as if it'd never happened. Strength

I worked in restaurants all throughout my 20's. Sexual harassment is a part of the job, so much so that, as both CA Pinkham and the woman in this story say, you just grow accustomed to it being a part of the job, ESPECIALLY from the kitchen staff. I have this strange feeling even typing this, that just acknowledging

Is there any truth to the rumor that the owners of the Route 9 Diner are opening up a new restaurant in Indiana?

That AG is fucking awesome.

green olives on food is always upsetting.

Roger Miller's story is why I always overtip for delivery. I get pizza so hot I can't even eat it yet, and the Indian place sends a free dessert every time. Mmmm mango mousse. I don't get why anyone would be shitty to the person who is saving me from having to cook and wash dishes.

Come on now. Everyone knows that cut toast releases powerful and potentially deadly gluten fumes.

hypotenuse allergy

She's clearly allergic to 45-degree angles.

Allergic to red > Allergic to crunchy


Apparently, all of the servers in these stories have met my mother.

Is she allergic to half wheat toast?

Allergic to crunchy > Allergic to nuts but not ground nuts

The "lady" in the last story sounds like a real half-wheat...