a most evil queen

When my best friend's mother died I went to the viewing on my way home from work because I wasn't able to go otherwise and I was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt because that was what I wore to go to work (worked in a factory at the time where I wore a uniform so my clothing wasn't really an issue) and I didn't have a

I agree. In my hometown people are so poor that even the requirement to wear dark clothes if overlooked. You can wear just whatever you have at hand, show up and show that you care for example by not turning the funeral into a political protest.

This is a little off-topic, but... I had a friend who showed up to my father's funeral wearing jeans and work boots. Because that's what he wears for his job. He took his lunch break two hours early so he could come and pay his respects and I thought it was lovely. He made an effort to be there for my family and we

It's almost hilarious that when the NYPD sat around brainstorming ways to prove how necessary they are to the daily functioning of the city they came up with, "Stop writing tickets for bullshit petty offenses and harassing people on the sidewalks, that'll show 'em! They'll come crawling back to lick our boots after a

I'm fine with the slowdown. Keep it up long enough and we can decrease revenues from ticketing poor people, trim the budget, and fire some cops. Start with any that have had excessive force complaints.

No. What a bunch of bullshit. Bill Cosby is white America's favorite house negro. They let him get away with raping white women for decades; they wouldn't willingly throw "a good one" under the bus. There is definitely an important dimension of race involved, but there is also an incredibly powerful sociopath with

The only thing I knew about Rashad before this is that her second husband was the cop from the Village People.

I thought about this a little this morning—about why I felt so disappointed. I realized that I don't actually know anything about Phylicia Rashad and that I was disappointed in Mrs. Huxtable.

I wouldn't even call it backpedaling. This is more like realizing your bike is going down a bumpy road and then suddenly jerking the handle bars and pedaling it full speed into a lake.

But Deadspin didn't just pen a post calling out FSU for not following the Title IX requirements here. The impetus for the article was a lawsuit filed by a person that doesn't work for Deadspin alleging that FSU didn't follow Title IX requirements here. You're implying that Deadspin is originating these articles

Well, shit — why hasn't Winston filed a defamation suit to clear his name?

The way I interpret it - Harris was involved an on-campus incident. The police investigation was performed by the school police department (UPD), so the legal investigation and the school investigation were one in the same Monday-Friday. The Winston incident occurred off campus, and was handled by TPD. Winston's

To be fair, your reading comprehension seems a bit lacking. Deadspin didn't just create an article about the Title IX failings of FSU, they are covering a lawsuit filed pertaining to those failings. Deadspin is simply reporting the accuser's suit and commenting that it seems quite valid based on the timeline

How does one go about requesting the results of the University of Florida's Title IX investigation into the allegations against Treon Harris? I am assuming that such an investigation occurred in a timely fashion, or else the New York Times would report on it, no? (And Deadspin would publish many stories with links and

Um, hate to burst your bubble but Harris was arrested so the school (and everyone) was aware of his accusation immediately. He was suspended for the next game while the University and PD investigation continued but the girl withdrew her complaint during the course of that investigation so he was reinstated. Nice try

Why would she name Winston in the suit? And yes, the Treon accusation was followed up immediately by both UPD and UF, making your last snarky comment completely moot. You're trying to wrap your bias in a non-biased tone that isn't even close to working.

Did you read the suit? She named him clearly and he's mentioned multiple times.

Florida State is in big trouble. As we saw this football season, they're not adept at handling a Title defense.

Thanks for covering this, Tom. I wholeheartedly support the shaming of individuals and organizations that cover up offenses committed by student athletes, and I look forward to reading your future coverage of the issue.