a most evil queen

Your comment really made me stop and pause. I'm with a loving partner, we have a great life and a great home. He's a wonderful father. Yet my attraction to him is at a low and has been for a while now. Yes, we still have lots of sex, but I am desperately missing feeling strong attraction to someone. But I have no

This is my personal favourite penis drawing ever.

We may not approve of the methods they used to get there, but hey, in the end all that matters is that they can put Olympic Halfpipe Champion on their resumes.

Hi I'm here to stand my ground and kill scary black kids, and it looks like I'm all out of ground.

I'm a Southerner and my family has lived in the same rural area for over 200 years. If there is a symbol to show the pride of being Southern, the confederate flag isn't one of them. Plain and simple. You want to show pride? Feed people who aren't from the South BBQ, have them listen to bluegrass, blues, or country,

However, the video that's being posted by TMZ Sports is not the complete event, but is merely the end result of what transpired.

"Both organizations have had success in stopping the spread of indecent material and subject matter on TV, in movies and in print media."

First woman ever to play professional football! Regardless of how she played, she fucking played. Like it or not, it fucking happened.

Yes, we should be very fucking impressed. This is the first woman to break the fucking gender barrier in professional football, so I'd say that's a pretty fucking big deal.

Get well soon, Jared.

"If I wanted revenge, his house and yours would be aflame as I danced upon your corpses by now. I'm here because I am trying to follow the rule of law as a citizen. But, if door two is the only option..."

This is why I didn't report my rape in Missoula. This guy and the cops had a huge rep for hating women long before the DOJ got involved. I don't know why he would rather go down as the guy who would rather fight (with tax payer dollars) for the systemic abuse of women rather than go through some freaking sensitivity

Lawyer here, married to a lawyer. I just read that passage to my husband. Our reactions were the same as yours—GOOD LUCK WITH THAT ARGUMENT, ASSHOLE. My husband said, "Wait, this guy is an attorney, right?"

I'm amazed he also didn't say she was asking for it. I mean you know how 5 year olds can be.

Well, that's officially the first time I've heard the phrase "boys will be boys" referring to boys raping five-year-olds.

he actively wanted her to kill the kid

She got into one of the best schools in the country. She's really supposed to drop that because some guy who wanted nothing to do with her or the child all of a sudden decided that he was going to man up? People make co-parenting work in all sorts of ways, if he actually wanted to be a part of the child's life, they

Not a whole lot of paid for Columbia University in California. Plus she was already in route when he changed his mind. Plus his childish insistence on calling the child another name altogether.

How about badgering him for his ridiculous MRA beliefs and his ludicrous lawsuit asserting his right to block his baby mama from making a career move to New York?