
Cookie Lyon owns all animal prints. They just walk up to her an shed their skin for her to use, she’s so fabulous.

How have we not already seen this look on Cookie Lyon?

When you did it, I don't think you were trying to give him permanent brain damage or trying to slice his scalp open, so it was more stupid than malicious.

As someone who loved DC TVverse, let me say, THANK GOD, the two are separate. I don’t want Snyder’s mess infecting Arrow or The Flash or even Gotham. To me, DC is doing gold on television. I couldn’t care less about the movies.

Now playing

long vid comparison with nicki minaj, the aforementioned organic artist.

maroon five ruined this

The GOP chose to politicize something so emotional to gain votes from the public and now that they're finally realizing how out of hand it's gotten, they can't even get enough votes to pass restrictions. So really it's backfiring MAJORLY.

I can share my kitten with you. We're moving tomorrow and he packed himself on the suitcase because he's cool and wanted to help.

Celebrity Edition!

1. Did you see me? I was losing my poops. Luckily I knew all those guys before (except for Mark, who I met that morning) and so was relatively comfortable. Mainly I was just melting with giggling happy.