YouGov tweeted this image earlier -
YouGov tweeted this image earlier -
Point of interest from here:
I love that Colton clapped back at this kid with a statement of his own, casually mentioning the 3-page story on EW about his coming out and wishing him luck in the end.
No, no, he is not a living Easter Island head because those were made in the image of the 11th Doctor and he doesn’t look like Matt Smith one bit.
I am a stupidly massive Mary Poppins fan, like I watch the movie and I cry, I sing along to all the songs, etc. In fact, this is me at Disneyland a few years ago (my friends were concerned my face would break from smiling so hard! I was pretty much done after that picture which was taken at about 11AM) so this news…
Just, in general, as a rule, don’t order Domino’s.
And suddenly, the SNL version is not that far-fetched, is it?
8:20PM in Chi-town and I am rocking a Sam Winchester shirt, Mickey Mouse jammie pants and stripey socks, plus a blankie and The Darkness® fast asleep on my lap. By chance I saw this morning that TV One is marathoning all of S2 of Empire ahead of the season finale on Wednesday, which I can watch since stupid sports…
Yep. Sitting on my couch with Sammy on my lap (I was in L.A. for a few days for Disneyland with my BFF and DragCon and he is needy). Just now.
If I could give you more than one star, I totally would. This track list made my day.
Hi, Jezzies! How’s it going wherever you are? It is raining in Chicago again, what else is new, and it’s quite chilly. The weather here needs to get the meds rechecked, I swear. I am still recovering from a brutal cold-induced contact dermatitis (and secondary infection which fortunately went away with antibiotics,…
Bestie and I were sad he didn’t come to the Arrow/Flash/Gotham con last month. We did get Curtis from Arrow and Cisco so we made do.
Earth 2 Harrison Wells ftw! #massivnerd
Mr Knowles...
The Onion “Tried to make with the funny” on a tweet the very day she was at the Academy Awards as a nominee, using that very word and saying she seemed like she could be it. People jumped on it, understandably, and they deleted the tweet, replacing it with a half-assed apology.
Same here. I brought them up a couple of weeks ago on a tweet to the local news (it’s the same station that airs the show) and they read out the tweet on air, so...
Well... this is how you do it. Give it a go. ;)
Specific to Bloody Mary and invoking her in the mirror - yeah.
Not unless you have another mirror at the ready to reflect his image on it. And then shatter both. Only way to sort that out. (I learned from the Winchesters.)
So I am almost 50, overweight, boyfriend-less, childless and I watched “Lemonade” three times, having listened to the album seven times. When should I go out start gunning down people? Would I be as justified as these asshats in doing so? JFC.