It’s scary but I read elsewhere that the case landed with Justice Kennedy, which increases the scary aspect EXCEPT (as per ThinkProgress):
It’s scary but I read elsewhere that the case landed with Justice Kennedy, which increases the scary aspect EXCEPT (as per ThinkProgress):
I saw Latrice Royale pull that off on an ep of Drag Race. She went all out with big rhinestones on her lips. For these lips, check this link. Sure, it’s for a UK site but once you know what to look for, you can get it here too. Hope that helped!
Jason Aldean is one of those “country” singers with a “bro” attitude that, just by coincidence, got caught cheating while on tour. His wife subsequently divorced him and he married his mistress. Dumb move on her part (the mistress’) imho.
Actual exchange with the bestie this morning (after she sent me a link to this news story on Yahoo preceded by the words “So amused”):
It is. One of my regular shows is “The Walking Dead.” No, I can’t talk about it. I am currently trapped in “Sesame Street,” though, in a very strange Spanish audio dub.
I have watched the entire miniseries to subtitle it in Spanish. Yes, the dance thing is awesome, but to me Damon Herriman (Romeo) steals the whole thing. I was used to seeing him as dimbulb Dewey Crowe on “Justified” and he does such an incredible job here, he blew me away.
OMG I GOT A VIP TICKET TO RUPAUL’S DRAG CON IN L.A. IN MAY AND I CAN’T EVEN! (This was me yesterday pretty much all day - it’s subsided a bit, but still. The queens come to town with their shows on random days of the week, like Tuesdays and Thursdays, and shows are late so I can’t go. This way I can see them all,…
Oliver, you beauty! Congrats to you both - best decision you could’ve ever made.
Cats are random and their favorite things to play with are probably the things you least expect. The Darkness, who is a weirdo, loves to play with beer bottle caps, only God knows why. Sammy loses his shit over balled up foil (like from a chocolate bar). YOU are probably the kitten’s favorite toy. Congrats in getting…
I used to live in Santa Monica, California and there’s this place called Bay Cities Deli on Lincoln Blvd that has the best freakin’ sandwiches EVER! I’m not kidding - if you try to go during lunchtime to get one, good luck. You’ll have anywhere between 30-40 people in front of you, but I digress.
the human embodiment of a bottle of AXE body spray on fire (that would be Blake Shelton)
I have a friend who has more than once had to check her tweets after an evening of drinking to make sure she didn’t make an ass of herself (more often than not she hasn’t but still). I don’t see how a celebrity would benefit from drunk tweeting...
The report says 4 women, 8 men in jury.
Look, Christie is right. You don’t know what she craves/is going through, so keep your opinions to yourself.
Yeah, ILC wasn’t known for having the highest brow when it came to humor. PC did not applied to them at all.
She says Handi-man. I am pretty sure Nicki is making a reference to the Damon Wayans’ character on In Living Color -
We went to the one in Chicago. They have them all over the country now. You can find some info here.
I have to say, he looks like some sort of satyr.
Hey, you don’t like the shows, it’s okay. We were extra frustrated because we’d been at the Supernatural convention the week prior and Jared and Jensen kept talking about the episode that aired this week, so...