
Yeah, so I have IBS. I realize now, I had it even as a child but didn’t get diagnosed until I was 22 or so. Whenever I am anxious, I have to take a dump. So, I was 19 and went over to the house of a guy I was seeing. He was living in a university campus rental with several other guys. I knocked; no answer. The door

A big pile of jizz on the floor...but not exactly in a bathroom. It was in a port-a-potty, on the first day of an estate sale in rural Illinois at 9 in the morning. So, somebody woke up really early to go to an estate sale in the middle of nowhere to jizz on the floor of a port-a-potty. Now that is dedication.

Well, he was wearing this shirt...

This model looks great. And it’s unisex!

YES, Molly! Do not take that shite!

I’ve read they were former Amish. The Amish are very big in the puppy mill racket as well as exotic animal trade. I’m thinking it has a lot to do with the ol’ “God made humans above all other living things” Bible-y type crap.

Gross. Those don’t look like donuts. They look like these things:

“What would the rest of her life been like? She would have either been institutionalized or a major burden on her family. There was just no way she would have survived on her own.”

I read 2 other reports where the mom stated the girl had bruising on her temple and swelling. But the mom did not say that she took her to the hospital. WHY DIDN’T ANYONE TAKE HER?!? disconcerting!

Take that, haters!

Listen, yoga is the act of trying and it’s supposed to be an intermal journey. The asanas are just one aspect of yoga. It doesn’t matter if you can’t do a headstand. And, btw, headstands are actually not allowed in some studios. In this modern day and age, our necks are so weak and out of whack from computers,

Ooh, yay! I was watching Xena the other day and wistfully thought, I wish they would make this show again. Incidentally, the episode was about how she had to rescue the “only man she ever loved” from the Underworld. He was a ghost above ground. Yep...she loved a ghost-man.

Hoo, boy. I just went to the FB page and it is overflowing with anti-Steinem comments, referring to her as a pro-abortionists.

There are also two other adult women listed on the web site as staff. I wonder if they helped finance and if they were in on the scam. Crazy!

No shit, right? I had to look her up. It was reported she had something called a complex migraine which can mimic a stroke.

This totally exemplifies how old, white men think they are in mother fuckin’ charge of EV. REE. THING.

I’m telling ya’, Dover is the shiznit. Tons of stuff and cheap.