
When I was in junior high, I made some friends at school who invited me to go to church with them on Wednesday nights. My family wasn’t especially religious, but growing up in Oklahoma, we were surrounded by many people who were. We occasionally went to church with my grandparents or other family members, but weren’t

I’ve lurked, like many, for so many years of this contest! Every year I think about telling this story but chicken out. I even contacted the person involved with me (even though we hadn’t spoken in YEARS), to attempt to get him to tell it, but alas. I’ve only retold this aloud to a few folks, so hopefully my retelling

OH MY GOD. I think I once toured that exact apartment in Boulder. My favorite (now former, I’ve moved away from CO) roommate and I were moving out of one rental and into another and checked out an apartment in a nice neighborhood broken into three units, where the front one contained the original features and the

Towards the end of college, my roommate, Ally*, and I moved into a new apartment. We wanted a place that felt more like a home. What we picked, though definitely that, was also weird. It was a ’60s, maybe ’70s, house in a nice neighborhood. On the outside, it looked like many of the houses in Boulder with exposed

A couple years ago my now ex and I did a road trip up north of our state, through some old farming areas and to an old mining town. The plan was to hit the thrift stores all the way up, and check out the little local museums, a thing we did reasonably often.

A couple things things happened on this trip that maybe

I just remembered this one, I hope I’ve made the deadline!

Ok, one of the creepiest things that ever happened to me was when I was in college.

This will surely get buried but that’s okay— I have a “thing” for cabins. On grid glamping, off grid camping, I love it all. I work heavily in tech and “unplugging” has been the way to stay sane.

I have so many but I don’t care, I’m posting. Here goes!

Growing up I had been extremely close to my grandma. She lived only 5 minutes away from my family for most of my life, so we saw her all the time and for EVERY special event in my childhood. I had a bit of a strained relationship with my mom when I was younger, so my grandma was the person I would go-to for all the

I was 34 when I acquired this old house in the historical district of my hometown in NC, and as a French-mexican living in the south of the USA, of course I had to do a bunch of superstitious things in order to make sure the home will be “cleansed” at my arrival. I consulted a famous tarot witch in Mexico City, who

“Hello Senoritas” 

The Ghostest Generation

(Not a native English speaker, sorry.)

I grew up in a small historic town in New Jersey and have a couple ghost stories, but this is the one I’m going to share: In high school and college I worked at a restaurant that was originally an old inn from the 1700s. One Sunday afternoon, I picked up the phone at the hostess station and had a chilling conversation

Mine’s kind of short, but It still lingers with me.

About five years ago I was in my early twenties, working my first full-time job and living at home with my parents while I saved money. My parents’ house is on an acre of land in rural Oregon, about a 15 minute drive in each direction to the surrounding small towns. My dad, being the curmudgeon-y “get off my lawn”

LOVE this time of the year! First time commenter, longtime reader. I have quite the haunting experience that still brings chills and fear to me...nearly nine years after the fact. I call it...

That’s lovely.

This is not a haunting story but a real person story and it happened to my mom when she was a young girl.