
there’s always someone reading...

so much love to you and yours. <3

i loved all of your story, but this sentence takes the cake: She then also said did I think my two cats would get along with like five hedgehogs because she wanted to get them and I started to realize we wanted very different things out of a living situation.


as someone who is about to let my pup go, i feel for you. love to you and yours. <3

i remember the story about your uncle. i’m sorry to hear about your cousin. so much love to you and yours. <3

word. teach that baby those prayers. get the house blessed.

totally interested!

not if it was stolen?

oof. this is a good story.

the titles don’t bother me. it’s the florid ones that read like trying too hard. or the extra rambly ones. but i star everything so i know i read it. i’m a grey ghost, so it doesn’t really make any difference. :)

this is always the one people come asking for. my google search pulls it right up now, after searching so many times. :)

mine, too. :)

i remember this story.

people just do as they please, my friend.

totally interested in the great-grandmother medium story(ies), please.

aw, i love this story. so much love to you and yours. <3

creepy. this was good.

i’ll come. school for women. it sounds horrifying.

that’s a creepy story within itself! ack! :)