This is gross, but I’ve seen worse in the YouTube.
This is gross, but I’ve seen worse in the YouTube.
Natalie comes down the stairs and asks with annoyance:
Call the Office of Government Ethics at (202) 482-9300 extension #5 and leave a voicemail.
I saw a lot of mothers and fathers with their children.
That is so awesome!
I’m not interested in divided the common cause that has brought us together. We have keep our focus and keep the pressure on this administration, the house and senate
I can’t even look at her. She’s disgusting! It’s as if she is decaying.
Sending good thoughts your way I know what’s that like.
I wonder if he will get fired from his job at Citi?
Drake is drowning his sorrows in JLo. He was never worthy of Queen Serena.
This is a false equivalent. Mrs Obama will have completed her duties as First Lady while waiting for Sasha to finish her schooling.
I’m so sorry that your going through this. I have a friend who had a second miscarriage this summer and she and her husband decided to take a break from trying. They went on a vacation, bought a house and are now decorating. She also has a support system of women who have gone or are going through the same thing.…
Tonight is warm compared to the tundra that we endured two nights ago. We got about 6 inches of snow last night and then frozen snow to top it off. I picked up coffee for the fam this morning and stayed in for the rest of the day listening to podcasts.
Nick Loeb is a sad, sad man. He is clearly obsessed with Sofia and wants to control some aspect of her life and with this he can. What an awful way to live.
This comment is almost exactly right! Except its with that dude from Newsroom who left his wife of forever for Amanda.
Me too, I wonder if he even heard her. She’s disgusting.
She implied that Hillary’s husband Bill doesn’t touch her sexually. The girl is petty and sad.
Isn’t she a Nazi sympathizer?
I’d like more than a minute, but I get hear you! I hear you.