Whispering into the Wind

Teaching children ‘critical thinking skills’ would just incense the right-wingers to even more loudly proclaim ‘education’ as liberal satan territory.

We keep trying to give your ignorant ass universal healthcare and living wages, but you don’t want them.

We have well more than enough to go around. We just aren’t willing to take action.

That’s fine, except now that Larben mentioned it, it looks like he’s going for the play on words of “mid-east” vs. “mid-terms”.

It was a joke. I actually read reasonably well.

Yep, it’s Schroedinger’s Economy: strongest and bestest in the entire history of humanity!!, yet simultaneously so weak that a few thousand newcomers throw it entirely out of whack.

You forgot to mention that while going on welfare, they’re also taking jobs that homegrown citizens are apparently begging for.

“And I’ve got a message for all of Stacey Abrams’s liberal Hollywood friends: This ain’t Hollywood.”

“ I’m kind of a big deal, too.” - Pence

Fuck you I got mine is a core GOP value.

Except the people who were purged from the registration, like my boyfriend. We're still disappointed and angry about that.

While Rhodes’ attacks on Abrams and Oprah are extremely and overtly racist

Yeah, its almost as if immigrants aren’t a monolithic group.

They’re too blinded by fear and hatred to even begin to understand that. They think immigrants come into the country and just immediately/automatically go on welfare.  Since welfare = Dems, well. . . the GOP has no use for them.

When people say that they’re kind of a big name too, when comparing themselves to Oprah, I’m like, “Bitch. Please.” Oprah’s so fucking famous that not only is she known by her first name but world fucking wide. When she talks, people listen.

Okay, but I think we’re long overdue for fringe militias and their rogue republics to get slapped down by the US military.

It’s a play with wording, a kind of pun.  It is political satire.  Thanks for the lesson on Pedantry.

It really surprises me every time some Republican assumes that all immigrants vote for the Democratic Party. It’s like they’ve never even heard of Catholicism.

Hey, you know what we could do with that $110 million?