Whispering into the Wind

not the 1st time i’ve posted about Cerberus....

Well, I thought that my unease about him was related to his indifference to the Climate Crisis in the one state in the Union where it should be absolutely obvious, and my instinctual belief that he’s actually a Lizard category space alien:

Rich assholes getting rich by fleecing the public coffers, then getting elected by idiots who are fed up with a broke government, who think that electing the same rich assholes who stole from the state will manage the state better because they are rich and will manage the state “like a business.”

So when the Catholics do it, it’s fine.  

Just like when I took Algebra i always checked adjacent peoples tests just to make sure they weren’t cheating off mine

No.  Not at all.  Most peoples faces are a-symmetrical in fact.  Some more so than others of course.  But this is why you see some super models that you dont think are very pretty.  They still have a near symmetrical face.

No. Actually, most faces are not. The ones that are perfectly symmetrical tend to be models.

I live that every Sunday!

Anyway, baseball needs heels

Not at all.

No, an NHL enforcer backs up and owns his actions. Machado is the equivalent of an NHL pest; the little shit who chops you with his stick and throws elbow in the corner to get you pissed and off your game, then skates away claiming innocence and relying on the enforcer to fight for him…

Naw, man. It’s not “people”, it’s Tucker Carlson. Regular ol’ assholes are still out in restaurants across the country, not being yelled at. This racist asshole, who’s using his platform to endanger people and worsen our national landscape, as well as your Huckabee-Sanders and your Stephen Millers should absolutely be

Counter point, when you sell your soul for millions and use your platform to hurt others there are consequences.

The single restaurant he can still go to, is it Cracker Barrel? I bet it’s Cracker Barrel.

That’s so sad! If only there was something he could do to stop it, like not being a white nationalist mouthpiece poisoning the nation with hate and lies. He should try that.

This is not how Piers Morgan works

Well, to be fair, sometimes they eat their progeny.

Have to pick those carefully. Some of them are un-prankable.
